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Residential Exchange Program (REP)

As part of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (Northwest Power Act), the Residential Exchange Program (REP) was created to provide residential and small farm customers of Pacific Northwest (regional) utilities a form of access to low-cost Federal power. Under the REP, BPA "purchases" power from each participating utility at that utility's Average System Cost (ASC). The Administrator then offers, in exchange, to "sell" an equivalent amount of electric power to the utility at BPA's PF Exchange rate. The amount of power purchased and sold is the qualifying residential and small farm load of each utility participating in the REP. These benefits are passed on to the residential and small farm customers of the utility.

BPA, in collaboration with interested parties in the region, reviewed and updated the 1984 Average System Cost Methodology in recognition of changes in energy markets and/or policy decisions over the past 20 years. The result was the publication and implementation of the 2008 ASC Methodology (2008 ASCM) in June, 2008. BPA received final approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on the 2008 ASCM (18 CFR Part 301, Sales of Electric Power to the Bonneville Power Administration; Revisions to Average System Cost Methodology) effective September 4, 2009.

Utility ASCs are not determined in BPA rate proceedings. Instead, ASCs are determined in a separate administrative process that BPA conducts pursuant to the procedural rules of the 2008 ASC Methodology. Utility ASCs, once established in the ASC Review Process, are one component used by BPA in the rate proceeding to determine individual utility REP benefits.

FY 2014-2015 ASC Review Process

The FY 2014-2015 ASC Review Process will begin June 4, 2012. Please see the FY 2014-2015 ASC Review Process Schedule. This Review Process will be implemented through the Secure REP web site. Instructions for participating in the ASC Review Process and the ASC Review Schedule will be posted on this web page by
May 18, 2012
. Parties and individuals interested in the ASC Process are encouraged to participate. This Review Process will be completed with the publication of the Final ASC Reports in July 2013.

Workshop and meeting notices may be found on BPA's external calendar at Workshop and meeting information, agendas and handouts, and a link to the Secure REP web site may be found at this web page.

FY 2012-2013 ASC Review Process

The FY 2012-2013 ASC Review Process concluded July 26, 2011 with the issuance of the FY 2012-2013 Final ASC Reports. Background information and ASC determinations for each utility are found at FY 2012-2013 Final ASC Reports.

The 2012 REP Settlement (REP-12 Proceeding)

BPA conducted the REP-12 proceeding to review the terms and conditions of a long-term settlement of issues regarding the implementation of the Residential Exchange Program (2012 REP Settlement). This proceeding concluded with the Administrator's issuance of a Final Record of Decision (ROD) on July 26, 2011 which reflected his decision to adopt the 2012 REP Settlement.

BPA-12 Rate Case

ASCs for the FY 2012-2013 Exchange Period were determined in the FY 2012-2013 Review Processes. The PF Exchange Rates for REP-participating utilities are listed below. The PF Exchange Rate is comprised of a base PF Exchange Rate of $43.06/MWh plus a utility-specific 7(b)(3) supplemental rate charge. For additional information see the BP-12 Power Rate Schedules and General Rate Schedule Provisions and BPA's 2012 Rate Proceeding (BPA-12 rate case). The ASCs and the PF Exchange Rates, below, were updated on November 1, 2011.

Investor-Owned Utilities
Rates in $ / MWh 1
Base PF Exchange
7(b)(3) Surcharge
PF Exchange Rates
Idaho Power
North Western
Portland General
Puget Sound Energy
Consumer-Owned Utilities

Base Tier 1 PF Exchange
7(b)(3) Surcharge
PF Exchange Rates
Clark Public Utilities
Snohomish PUD

1 $/MWh = mills/kWh

Rate Directive Step. Calculation of Settlement Utility Specific PF Exchange Rates
(updated November 1, 2011)  Test Period October 2011 - September 2013

REP Compliance Review Program

BPA is accountable for ensuring the benefits provided through the REP are distributed to the eligible utility's residential and small farm customers correctly and in a timely manner. To complete this responsibility, BPA developed the Compliance Review Program to gain assurance the utility's systems, procedures, and internal controls surrounding the invoicing of monthly REP loads to BPA are adequate, accurate, and working properly. The Compliance Review Program was implemented in January, 2011. 

Contact Information

Julia Shaughnessy, Residential Exchange Program Manager
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2008 ASC Methodology

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Secure REP website

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