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Shanna had been working at Maytag/Whirlpool for eight years when the plant closed.  “It was a sad, sad day,” Shanna said.  “Everyone tried to cope the best they could ... I went and picked my kids up from school and cried.”
With assistance from Illinois’ Workforce Investment Act Dislocated Worker and Trade Adjustment Assistance programs, through a cooperative venture between Man-Tra-Con Corporation and John A. Logan College, Shanna went back to school and received her Associate’s Degree.  She has been hired as a Nationally Certified Medical Assistant at Southern Illinois OB-GYN and Associates.

Shanna passes the Maytag/Whirlpool plant every day on the way to her new job and fondly remembers the people she worked with there.

However, Shanna states, “When it comes to my career, I’m looking forward!”  In Program Year 2007, Workforce Investment Act funding helped train more than 35,000 people for careers in healthcare occupations.

The Dislocated Worker Program of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and the Trade Act of 1974 as amended provide quality employment and training services to assist individuals in finding and qualifying for meaningful employment and to help employers find the skilled workers they need.

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