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The Skills We Need. The Dedication We Want.
Feds Hire Vets - Veterans Day
Feds Hire Vets - Veterans Day

Veterans Day

Veterans Day Message from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management

Dear Veteran,

On November 11, 2011 our Nation will honor each of you, America's Veterans, who have served so faithfully and honorably. We will pause to remember the sacrifices our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen have made serving our Nation. Veterans Day is more than a holiday; it is a day of heartfelt appreciation to all who have served our great country in the Armed Forces.

President Obama has been clear: "America's commitments to its Veterans are bonds that are sacrosanct-a sacred trust we are honor bound to uphold."

It is not only a matter of honor. We all benefit by retaining the dedication, leadership, skills and abilities Veterans have acquired and exhibited in the fast-paced, dynamic environments of our Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard.

And, in the words of George Washington: The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional as to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their country.

In the two years since President Obama established the Veterans Employment Initiative, OPM has led the charge to honor your service by ensuring you have the opportunity to continue your service to this great Nation as Federal civilian employees. Your past military training, special skills, unique experience, and leadership ability make you an ideal candidate for our team!

With gratitude and great pride,

John Berry

Download Director's Message for Veteran's Day Adobe Acrobat Version [1.3 MB]

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  • U.S. Office of Personnel Management
  • Department of Defense
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  • Department of Veterans Affairs
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