Oil Spill Response Research (OSRR) Program

Project Number  1011
Date of Summary  September 19, 2012
Subject  Evaluation of Feasibility of Conducting Subsea Dispersant Research at Ohmsett
Performing Activity  S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd.
Principal Investigator  Mr. Randy Belore
Contracting Agency  Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Estimated Completion  September 30, 2013
Description  Objective:
The objective of this project is to identify and provide rough cost estimates for the upgrades that would be required at the Ohmsett test facility to enable it to be used by researchers to study the process of direct injection of dispersants in subsea oil and gas well blowouts.

The project will be initiated with a workshop involving world experts in the field of chemical dispersant application and effectiveness testing. The objective of the workshop will be to determine key areas of subsea dispersant research that needs to be performed and to identify the key facility requirements for each one. Specifically, the workshop will:
Identify subsea dispersant injection research needs;
Identify which research areas can be addressed in a large-scale test facility;
Rank the importance of each research component;
Select the list of research areas that would be best suited to the Ohmsett facility; and
Identify the major infrastructure components and scientific and analytical equipment that would be required to support the selected research areas.
The research areas that would be best suited to the Ohmsett facility will be identified along with the major infrastructure and scientific and analytical equipment upgrades that would be required at Ohmsett to support them.

Subsequent to the workshop, rough cost estimates for implementation of the upgrades will be established by SL Ross.

The workshop will be held within the first six months of the project. Individuals interested in attending should contact Lori.Medley@bsee.gov not later than November 1, 2012.
Progress  The contract was awarded September 17, 2012.