Exercise Combined Endeavor

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EUCOM annually sponsors Combined Endeavor (CE), the largest command, control, communications and computers (C4) interoperability event in the world. Each year, approximately 1,400 communications professionals from more than 40 NATO and Partnership for Peace countries, and other strategic security partners gather at a main operating base and a virtual forward site to conduct a series of operationally-focused interoperability tests. Multiple remote national sites supporting live troop movements and training are integrated into the overall scenario via High Frequency (HF) radio or satellite links.


  • Prepares nations to collaborate, plan and execute complex C4 systems in crisis response and combat operations.
  • Builds partnerships for regional and global operations between nations using communication and network systems.
  • Trains communication professionals at the largest international C4 exercise in the world to support operations.
  • Uses NATO and commercial standards to increase interoperability between nations.


Lessons learned and technical solutions from CE are combined into a C4 Interoperability Guide and an interactive C4 Planner’s tool, consisting of  more than 16,500 interoperability test results captured since the program began in 1995. The Interoperability Guide takes the guesswork out of deploying multinational C4 networks and has been used extensively in current operations and crises including Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF), NATO Kosovo Force (KFOR), and UN Peacekeeping and Humanitarian missions.

CE explores and resolves multinational tactics, techniques and procedures and builds C4 planning experience and knowledge among participating nations. The overall effect is enhanced joint and multinational C4 interoperability solutions for use in coalition operations and promoting Coalition Information Dominance.

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Articles RSS

  • September 21, 2012

    Ceremony ends 18th Combined Endeavor

    On Sept. 20, a closing ceremony at the Joint Military Training Command on U.S. Army Garrison Grafenwoehr, Germany, ended the 18th year of the world’s largest military communications exercise, Combined Endeavor 2012.
  • September 21, 2012

    386th MCT provides logistic support to Combined Endeavor

    More than 1,300 people and equipment began arriving Aug. 23 at Joint Multinational Training Command, here, in support of Combined Endeavor 2012 and the logistical support from the soldiers of the 386th Movement Control Team, Vicenza, Italy.
  • September 18, 2012

    Panther PacStar makes debut at CE12

    For the 20 Airmen of the 1st Combat Communications Squadron, Ramstein Air Base, Germany, supporting Combined Endeavor 2012, this could potentially be a real scenario for them.
  • September 18, 2012

    CE12 Airmen celebrate U.S. Air Force’s 65th birthday

    Airmen supporting Combined Endeavor 2012 celebrated the U.S. Air Force’s 65th birthday with representatives of approximately 40 nations and multinational organizations during a cake cutting ceremony Sept. 18.
  • September 14, 2012

    JMTC hosts CE participants for 3rd year

    The Joint Multinational Training Command, or JMTC, here, is hosting more than 40 nations and multinational organizations participating in Combined Endeavor for the third year in a row.
  • September 14, 2012

    Airmen, Soldiers provide network ops for CE12

    Without the 1st Combat Communications Squadron, Ramstein Air Base, Germany and the 35th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, Charlie Company, Port Nuevo, Puerto Rico, Combined Endeavor 2012 could not happen.
  • September 14, 2012

    Combined Endeavor 2012 welcomes 147 multinational distinguished visitors

    Looking through the crowd of 147 multinational distinguished guests in their military uniforms and business suits, is difficult not to appreciate the level of commitment that each nation has made toward building partnerships.
  • September 12, 2012

    Combined Endeavor: Working together, developing solutions

    Combined Endeavor 2012, or CE12, provides communications professionals the opportunities to work together and develop solutions while building relationships in a controlled environment.
  • September 12, 2012

    Sailors protect CE12 participants

    Sailors with Maritime Expeditionary Security Squadron Three provide security at Combined Endeavor 2012
  • September 9, 2012

    Multinational communication exercise evolves through years

    After 18 years, Combined Endeavor is no longer just a 10-nation workshop conducting point to radio testing, but now over 40 countries are analyzing fully converged networks with command and control systems integration.

Blog Posts RSS

  • February 24, 2012

    Cyber Endeavor 2012 – Building Cyber Defense Capacity in our Partner Nations

    Shaun Cavanaugh here again to give you an update on what’s been going on with Cyber Endeavor since my last update in June of last year.
  • June 29, 2011

    The clock is winding down to the start of Cyber Endeavor 2011

    In my previous blog, I told you what Cyber Endeavor was all about. In this post, I’ll go over where we are at with CyE, who is providing seminars at the event, and the topics those seminars are going to cover. At this latest planning conference, we spent our time finalizing the schedule and agenda, as well as recruiting more participants from all of the nations in attendance. The conference was a success and we are on target to have an even better CyE than last year.
  • April 12, 2011

    CYBER ENDEAVOR 2011 Mid Planning Conference in Lisbon, Portugal

    Last week, William Poole and I (EUCOM Cyber Defense Division International Information Assurance Branch) wrapped up the Cyber Endeavor portion of the Combined Endeavor 2011 mid-planning conference. Let me give you a little background on Cyber Endeavor. Educators and technical professionals from governmental organizations, industry, and academia, provide cyber defense familiarization to audiences from an estimated 40 countries. Cyber Endeavor is the premier forum for international military, industry and academic professionals to collaborate and improve partnerships with the end goal of strengthening collective cyber defense capabilities.
  • September 16, 2009

    Switzerland takes part in Combined Endeavor for the 11th time

    As you have read previously in this blog, Combined Endeavor is the world’s largest international Command, Control, Communications & Computers (C4) exercise. Participants of CE09 include nations within the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), Partnership for Peace (PfP) or other International Organisations. In recent years most NATO and PfP Nations have been taking part in Peace Supporting Operations (PSOs). Over 1000 participants from more than 40 nations take part in two weeks of intensive technical testing.
  • September 11, 2009

    Phoenix Endeavor - a military spectrum management exercise

    You’ve seen quite a few posts here about USEUCOM’s Combined Endeavor (CE) exercise that is currently being conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, and the Netherlands. But what you may not have heard about is Phoenix Endeavor -- also known as PE -- which we believe is the world’s premier international military spectrum management exercise!
  • September 10, 2009

    Excellence in Action: Combined Endeavor’s Regional Site in Denmark

    This past weekend I had the pleasure of meeting the national delegations at Combined Endeavor 2009’s regional site at Bülows Kaserne, Fredericia, Denmark. Delegations at this site are from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Slovenia and Sweden with additional support personnel from the United States, Austria and Germany.
  • September 1, 2009

    Prepping for CE09

    Tomorrow, I'll be gathering my gear and moving into my temporary home at Banja Luca, Bosnia-Herzegovina to do my part within EUCOM's Combined Endeavor 09 exercise.
  • September 1, 2009

    Transforming the Main Operating Base

    Things are going well as Kozara Barracks is being transformed into a large telecommunications site to support the Main Operating Base of Combined Endeavor 2009 (CE09). We are finalizing contracts, continuing to build the main operating base infrastructure, and installing several networks which will serve as the backbone for our daily communications during the communications interoperability testing. There are as many Bosnia and Herzogovina military support personnel on the ground here as there are members from the CE staff and early participants!
  • August 19, 2009

    Bosnia and Herzegovina Prepares for Combined Endeavor 2009

    During my recent visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina, I saw first hand the great job our BiH partners are doing in Banja Luka as they prepare to host the US European Command’s communications interoperability exercise, Combined Endeavor 2009. The exercise, which will be held from Sep 4-17, is in its 15th year.
  • April 27, 2009

    Combined Endeavor 2009

    CE – Combined Endeavor – is a large telecommunications exercise sponsored by EUCOM but planned and executed by our partner nations. This year, 2009, we are moving the exercise out of Germany for the first time in our 14 year history to Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is a big enough challenge planning this exercise, but this year we add the challenge of building a new infrastructure to support the exercise.

Videos RSS

  • September 14, 2012

    Ceremony Marks Opening of multinational exercise Combined Endeavor 2012

    International agencies and partner nations mark the beginning of the multinational computer and communications exercise Combined Endeavor 2012 Sept 6. Air Force Tech Sgt. Esteban Esquivel reports from Grafenwoehr, Germany.
  • December 8, 2011

    Combined Endeavor 2011 Exercise

    Combined Endeavor 2011 is the world's largest communications interoperability exercise, preparing international forces' command, control, communications and computer systems for multinational operations. Hosted by USEUCOM, this year's exercise has made great strides in moving from functional testing towards operational testing.
  • December 8, 2011

    Cyber Endeavor 2011

    Cyber Endeavor is the United States European Command's paramount cyber security collaboration, familiarization and engagement program designed to strengthen partner nation cyber defense capacities through seminars, events and exercise support. Cyber Endeavor builds cyber defense partnerships with NATO, partner nations, academia and industry. Its purpose is to improve force readiness for deployment in support of exercises, multinational crisis response and future missions.
  • March 29, 2010

    Combined Endeavor Planning Conference

    Combined Endeavor is the world's largest military communications exercise. Dozens of countries will test their communications and information systems. The exercise takes place in September of this year, but not before some intense planning.
  • September 17, 2009

    Combined Endeavor 09

    For the first time, the EUCOM sponsored communications exercise Combined Endeavor has moved out of Germany and into Bosnia. SSgt Jason David in is Banja Luka with this report.