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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Justin AmashSee All
    • Cara Bonin
       Cara posted a photo.
      about an hour ago
    •  A special thanks to Rep Amash for voting NO to extending the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 for five years. It passed, allowing the government to continue its warrantless searches on American citizens. If you want to see if your Congressperson was a sellout, see the roll call at http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2012/roll569.xml
      8 hours ago
    •  Will all of you help our grassroots movement to educate NY voters on how their congressperson voted? Please share our page on your wall and in comments on political pages http://www.mycongressionalreportcard.com/
      15 hours ago
    •  This is an act of war. Congress should immediately declare war on Libya and nuke it. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=435593239820254&set=a.145136705532577.25873.142868065759441&type=1&ref=nf
      1 · 17 hours ago
  2. I voted "no" on S Con Res 56, a motion to adjourn Congress until September 10. The Constitution's Art. I, Sec. 5, states, "Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days . . . ." This Congress has a lot of work left to do, including dealing with the expiring tax rates and the upcoming sequester. It failed 150-265.
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  4. I voted "yes" on the motion to suspend the rules and pass H Con Res 127. The resolution expresses the sense of Congress that the Internet should be free from government control. The resolution is in response to an upcoming conference in Dubai, in which the U.N. has proposed taking a more assertive role in regulating the Internet. The resolution passed 414-0.
  5. I voted "no" on H R 6233, Agricultural Disaster Assistance Act of 2012. The bill spends $350 million on disaster relief to compensate farmers and livestock producers for the current droughts in much of the country. The bill is offset with promised cuts in other spending, although some of the cuts are in future years (which this Congress has no way of controlling) and some of the cuts are to programs that both the House and the Senate weren't going to fully fund anyway. In other words, it's potentially just an accounting gimmick. We have a nearly $16 trillion debt. We must cut spending now. It passed 223-197.
  6. I voted "no" on the motion to recommit (return to committee) with instructions H R 6233, Agricultural Disaster Assistance Act of 2012. The motion instructs the Committee on Agriculture to amend the bill to (1) prohibit subsidiaries of foreign corporations from receiving disaster payments, (2) prevent duplicate payments, and (3) express the sense of the House that Congress should pass a five-year f...
    arm bill. A long-term farm bill probably is better than a short-term one because it provides greater certainty to farmers. However, I can't support any farm bill that makes only minor reforms to the federal government's agricultural subsidies. And this is a partisan procedural motion, not a true amendment. It failed 189-232.
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  7. I voted "yes" on H R 6169, Pathway to Job Creation through a Simpler, Fairer Tax Code Act of 2012. The bill creates a fast-track procedure for Congress to consider comprehensive tax reform next year. It also establishes parameters for tax reform: Tax reform should consolidate the income tax brackets to two at 10% and 25%, reduce the corporate tax rate to at most 25%, repeal the alternative minimum tax (AMT), and reduce credits and deductions. Reforming our out-of-date, inefficient, and unfair tax code is one of the best ways to improve conditions for economic growth. It passed 232-189.
  8. I voted "no" on the motion to recommit (return to committee) with instructions H R 6169. The motion instructs the Committee on Ways and Means to amend the bill to require that a tax reform bill considered pursuant to H R 6169 not reduce the mortgage interest or charitable contribution deductions. I don't think there's a single Representative whose preference is to reduce or eliminate either of those widely used deductions. As part of a comprehensive rewriting of our outdated tax code, I support giving House negotiators as much room as possible to come up with pro-growth tax reform next year. And this is a procedural motion, not a true amendment. It failed 188-235.
  9. I voted "no" on the Slaughter of NY Amendment to H R 6169, Pathway to Job Creation through a Simpler, Fairer Tax Code Act of 2012. The underlying bill creates a fast-track procedure for Congress to consider comprehensive tax reform next year. The amendment replaces the fast-track procedure with several findings. Reforming our out-of-date, inefficient, and unfair tax code is one of the best ways to improve conditions for economic growth. The amendment failed 176-246.

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