News Room

Progress for Military Families

May 05, 2009

Recent Accomplishments for Military Families
The 111th Congress is committed to addressing the needs of America’s service men and women as well as those of their families. While we salute our men and women in uniform for the courage and bravery that they exhibit in battle, we must also recognize the sacrifices of their families.

In recent years, the Congress has worked in a bipartisan manner to more closely analyze the needs of the family while military personnel are deployed; equally important we need to make certain that the families have the tools they need for transition when loved ones return home. To date we have made progress in the key areas of jobs and the economy, health care, family support, housing and education. More needs to be done as more troops are expected to be return home in the coming years.


Blue Star MILITARY PAY RAISE: Provided all service members a pay raise of 3.5 percent in 2008 and 3.9 percent in 2009. (2007-2008)
Blue Star CREATING JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Provided businesses a $2,400 tax credit for hiring unemployed veterans in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. (2009)
Blue Star DISABLED VETERANS ECONOMIC RELIEF: Providing Disabled Veterans a payment of $250 to help make ends meet during this economic downturn in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). (2009)
Blue Star TAX RELIEF: Provided $1.2 billion in targeted tax relief to military personnel and their families, including tax relief under the Earned Income Tax Credit - clarified the availability of recovery rebates for military families. (2008)
Blue Star VETS CORPS: Establishes a first of its kind Veteran’s Corps to provide a range of services to veterans and military families (such as building veterans houses, assisting with veterans rehabilitation and assisting military families during deployments), as well create volunteer opportunities for veterans to take advantage of their skills and experience they have to offer this country and put them back to work. Veterans are uniquely situated to understand and meet the special needs of those returning home from war. (2009)
Blue Star ENHANCING SPOUSAL JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Authorized tuition assistance and training opportunities for military spouses seeking careers that can be maintained as they move from station to station. (2008)
Blue Star FAIR PAY FOR DEPLOYED COUPLES: Authorized DOD to pay a portion of a second family separation allowance when both military parents are deployed simultaneously. (2008)


Blue Star NEW GI BILL FOR COLLEGE: Restores the promise of a full, four-year college education for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, making them part of the economic recovery, beginning in August. (2008)
Blue Star TRANSFERABILITY OF GI BILL EDUCATION BENEFITS TO FAMILY MEMBERS: For service members with six years of service, coupled with an additional service agreement of at least four years, the New GI Bill allows them to transfer unused educational benefits to their wives and children. (2008)
Blue Star STRENGTHEN EDUCATION BENEFITS FOR RESERVISTS MAKING UNPRECEDENTED SERVICE WITH IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN: Allowed Reservists serving on active duty to use their enhanced educational benefits for up to 10 years after leaving the reserves, instead of requiring immediate use. Reservists with three cumulative years of active duty service, can qualify for education benefits at 80 percent of the active duty rate, instead of requiring two years of continuous service. (2007)


Blue Star MILITARY HOSPITALS: Have provided $2.3 billion for new hospitals that serve military personnel and their families at Fort Benning, Fort Riley, Fort Hood, Camp Pendleton, and Camp Lejeune since 2007 (in the FY08 supplemental, the FY09 Milcon-VA appropriations bill, and ARRA).
Blue Star CUTTING THROUGH THE RED-TAPE AT DOD: Created the Wounded Warrior Resource Center to serve as a single point of contact for service members, their families, and primary caregivers to report issues with facilities, obtain health care, and receive benefits information. (2007)
Blue Star BETTER ACCESS TO INFORMATION: Required a handbook and electronic access to comprehensive defense and veterans’ benefits information for seriously injured or ill service members and their families. (2007)
Blue Star ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS FOR SMOOTH TRANSITION FROM DOD TO VA: Required the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to develop a comprehensive policy on the care and management of members of the armed forces. President Obama recently announced the creation of a Joint Virtual Lifetime Electronic record to provide service members with a single, accurate, and paperless medical record from the day they enlist through their retirement years. Accurate electronic medical records are essential to reducing costs, helping eliminate medical errors, and providing seamless quality care. (2007, 2009)
Blue Star POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER & TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY: Required a comprehensive DOD policy to address traumatic brain injury (TBI), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), other mental health conditions, establishing DOD Centers of Excellence on PTSD and TBI to improve treatment, research, training and rehabilitation, requiring enrollment and registry of TBI patients to ensure continuity of care, guaranteeing veterans a VA mental health assessment within 30 days of request, expanding hiring to address shortage in mental health professionals, and strengthening DOD training for better detection of PTSD. (2007)
Blue Star LOWER COST, BETTER QUALITY MILITARY HEALTH CARE: Protected military families from increases in TRICARE co-pays and deductibles, and restored over $1 billion in military health care funding to continue to provide medical services to military families and their service members. (2008)
Blue Star STRENGTHENING PREVENTIVE HEALTH CARE: Established a series of Preventive Health Care Projects, and waived co-payments for preventive services for all TRICARE beneficiaries. (2008)
Blue Star HISTORIC FUNDING FOR QUALITY VA HEALTH CARE: Have increased veterans' funding by $17.7 billion (more than 40 percent) since January 2007 -- including the largest single increase in the history of the VA. This is more of an increase in less than three years, than the GOP-controlled Congress provided in 12 years. (2007-2009)


Blue Star FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE FOR FAMILIES OF SOLDIERS WOUNDED IN COMBAT: Provided 6 months of unpaid, job-protected leave to the spouse, parent, child, or next of kin of service members who suffer from a service-connected injury or illness. (2007 DOD)
Blue Star MILITARY FAMILY READINESS: Established a Military Family Readiness Council to enhance and improve support services and programs for families of soon-to-be deployed servicemembers and required the Secretary of Defense to study the most effective means to enhance and improve family support programs before, during and after deployment and develop comprehensive and effective policy and plans to support military family readiness. (2007)
Blue Star FAMILY CARE PLANS FOR DEPLOYED SERVICE MEMBERS: Required the Secretary of Defense to establish appropriate procedures to ensure that an adequate family care plan is in place for a single military member with dependents and dual military couples with dependents. (2008)
Blue Star CHILD CARE FACILITIES: Invested in expanding child care spaces on military bases by roughly 15,000 from 2007 to date, including providing $239 million in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. (2007-2009)
Blue Star MILITARY FAMILIES TAX: Established a special survivor indemnity allowance of $50 per month (increasing to $100 by 2014) in a first step toward ending the Military Families Tax, which unfairly penalizes the 55,000 survivors, most of them widows, of those who died as a result of their service-connected injuries. These widows lose most of their survivor benefits if they also receive Dependency and Indemnity Compensation benefits (because their spouse died of a service-connected injury). This year, the House has taken further action passing legislation increasing the allowance by $35 per month in FY 2010, rising to an increase of $245 per month in FY 2016. (H.R. 1256) (2007, 2009)
Blue Star REINTEGRATING RESERVISTS COMING HOME: Creates a national combat veteran reintegration program to help reservists reintegrate into their families and communities through family services and post-deployment screening. (2007)


Blue Star QUALITY FAMILY MILITARY HOUSING: Worked to eliminate all inadequate military family housing, using both government construction and public-private partnerships, resulting in a $24 billion investment in family housing more comparable in standards and amenities with private homes. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act made additional investments for quality family housing for military families.
Blue Star HELP FOR MILITARY HOMEOWNERS IN HARMED BY THE HOUSING CRISIS: Expanded DOD’s Homeowners Assistance Program and provided $555 million to help military homeowners who may be forced to sell their homes at a loss because of orders to relocate, or wounds and illnesses incurred on deployment. The new benefits will be available soon. (2009)
Blue Star EXPANDING RELIEF AND HOMEOWNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR RETURNING VETERANS: Took a range of steps, including prohibiting home foreclosures for nine months after military service; providing a much needed increase to the VA home loan limit and enabling more veterans to refinance their existing high-risk loans through VA home loans; and making thousands of veterans eligible for low-interest loans. (2008)