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Public Library Funding and Technology Access Study

American Library Association (ALA)

This study provides an annual "state of the library" report on the technology resources brokered by libraries and the funding that enables free public access to these resources.

Study/Report, Advanced, Literacy

Building Digital Communities

Institute of Museum and Library Services

The Institute of Museum and Library Services, together with the University of Washington and the International City/County Management Association, has consulted with hundreds of community members and experts over the past 18 months to identify action steps and a framework for digital communities.


Opportunity for All: How the American Public Benefits from Internet Access at U.S. Libraries

Institute of Museum and Library Services

This study provides an investigation of the ways library patrons use libraries, why they use them, and how it affects their lives. The study is the result of a national telephone survey, online surveys conducted at public libraries, and interviews to reveal the role modern libraries play in a digital society.

Study/Report, Advanced, Literacy

Checklist for Starting a New Business

International Finance Corporation

This checklist contains steps you should take before you start a new business. It is a "to do" list for starting a new business containing general high-level listing of the tasks that need to be complete in starting your new business.

Intermediate, Businesses and Employers, Tutorials

Expanding and Handling Problems

International Finance Corporation

This tutorial contains information on rules to follow before expanding your business, ways to motivate key employees, and explains common business problems such as uncontrolled cash flow, drop in sales or insufficient sales, and higher costs. The tutorial also contains suggested activities and a quiz to test your knowledge of the subject matter covered during the tutorial.

Intermediate, Businesses and Employers, Tutorials

How to Fix Your Business

International Finance Corporation

This article provides tips on how to lead your business away from trouble and back to success. The article was written by Van Lanier and shared on the IFC SME business toolkit.


Creating an Effective Business Plan

International Finance Corporation

This tutorial contains a business plan template into seven key elements. Each element contains a description, instructions for creation, tips, and how to avoid pitfalls.

Intermediate, Businesses and Employers, Tutorials