
Americans Support Repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’

Today’s Washington Post/ABC News poll is the latest example of strong support by Americans for a repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ From the poll:

By a 56-point margin, nearly 8 in 10 Americans say that gays and lesbians who publicly disclose their sexual orientation should be allowed to serve in the military (77 percent — 21 percent).

The findings from this poll mirror earlier data reflecting broad support for repeal—as the Washington Post writes:

That’s little changed from polls over the two years, but represents the highest level of support in a Post-ABC poll. The support also cuts across partisan and ideological lines, with majorities of Democrats, Republicans, independents, liberals, conservatives and white evangelical Protestants in favor of homosexuals’ serving openly.

More recent surveys:

A November 2010 Department of Defense survey of military members and military spouses found that:

70 percent of military members surveyed said repealing DADT would be “equally mixed, positive or non-existent.”

62 percent of military members said repealing DADT will not affect their own military career plans.

74 percent of military spouses said repealing would have no effect on their preference for their Service member’s future plans to stay in the military

A November survey by the Pew Research Center for People and the Press reported that by a 31-point margin, 58 percent to 27 percent of Americans support allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military.

A November USA TODAY/Gallup poll found that 56 percent of Americans say it is important for Congress to pass legislation to allow openly gay men and women to serve in the military before the end of the year.

A CNN poll in November found that by a 49-point margin, 72 percent to 23 percent of Americans favor allowing openly gay and lesbian women to serve in the military.

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