Search Results for: mythbuster

GOP MYTH: Republicans claim that the President’s middle class tax cut proposal would hurt small businesses, and cost 700,000 jobs. NOT TRUE THE FACTS: The nonpartisan Pulitzer Prize-winning PolitiFact labeled the small business claim a “pants on fire” lie. – … Continue reading

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Today, another GOP trick has been revealed. While Republicans claim regulations hurt jobs…: As a key part of the GOP jobs plan, House Republicans are focused on eliminating excessive federal regulations that needlessly raise prices on consumers and put thousands … Continue reading

Posted in Correcting the Record, In the News, Labor and American Jobs | Leave a comment

Speaker Boehner this morning before a gathering of conservatives in Washington, DC: Our nation is “facing a federal regulatory onslaught like nothing we’ve ever seen.” Speaker Boehner and Congressional Republicans are misleading Americans when they claim the Obama Administration has … Continue reading

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Republicans, in a desperate attempt to score cheap political points, are willing to risk the health coverage for hard-working Americans. Attacking the temporary waiver process on annual limits in the Affordable Care Act that would ensure that workers don’t lose … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Consumer Protections, Correcting the Record, In the News | Leave a comment

GOP MYTH: The health reform law destroys jobs. FACT: To the contrary, there has been month after month of private sector job growth since health reform was enacted: 1.1 million private sector jobs have been created since enactment of health … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Consumer Protections, Correcting the Record, Economic News, In the News, Labor and American Jobs | Leave a comment

MYTH: Democrats plan a $3.8 trillion tax increase on January 1st. FACT: NOT TRUE! President Obama’s FY 2011 budget proposes $1.7 trillion in tax relief–extending the 2001, 2003 tax cuts for middle-class families, including the child tax credit, reductions in … Continue reading

Posted in Correcting the Record, Economic News, Fiscal Responsibility | Leave a comment

Last week, the House and Senate conference committee completed its work on the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. This tough legislation puts consumers first, holds Wall Street and Big Banks accountable, ends the era of taxpayer-funded bailouts … Continue reading

Posted in Consumer Protections, Correcting the Record, Financial Reform, Oversight, Retirement Security | Leave a comment

Today, Andrea Stone of AOL News released a list of some of the top health care myths according to the nonpartisan that continue to be put forward by opponents of reform: Prepare to have microchips implanted in your body. … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Consumer Protections, Correcting the Record, In the News | Leave a comment

Since its passage last month, some opponents of health reform have claimed that the new law could adversely impact their corporations, pointing to the closing of a tax loophole in the bill to suggest reform is increasing health care costs. … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Consumer Protections, Correcting the Record, In the News | Leave a comment

Following the President signing of comprehensive health insurance reform legislation into law this week, opponents of reform continue to spread myths about the bill, including claiming that Americans who don't buy health insurance could face jail time or harassment from … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Consumer Protections, Correcting the Record | Leave a comment