Digital Literacy Resources

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Syracuse University Center for Digital Literacy logo

Syracuse University Center for Digital Literacy

Contributed by: Syracuse University

Information link about the center at Syracuse University dedicated to understanding the impact of information, technology and media literacies on children and adults (particularly those from underserved populations) in today's technology-intensive society and studying the impact of having or not having these literacies has on people, organizations, and society.

Washington State Digital Learning Department logo

Washington State Digital Learning Department

Contributed by: State of Washington

Washington State manages and offers high quality online learning providers for K-12 students.

Nevada Adult Education Resource Bank logo

Nevada Adult Education Resource Bank

Contributed by: State of Nevada

Cites resources for each of the skill and knowledge descriptors in the Professional Development Self-Assessment for Nevada's Adult Education Teachers. The resources are organized into four categories: Self and Independent Study, Collaboration with Colleagues, Workshops and Trainings, and Coursework

Minnesota Literacy Council logo

Minnesota Literacy Council

Contributed by: State of Minnesota

Dedicated to sharing the power of learning throughout Minnesota, offers services for adults, children and families seeking to improve their literacy skills.

ProLiteracy logo


Contributed by: Proliteracy

ProLiteracy champions the power of literacy to improve the lives of adults and their families, communities, and societies. Offers professional development and training, technical assistance, publications, online resources, and credentialing services for program directors, instructors, trainers, and volunteer tutors working with adult learners in the world in which everyone can read, write, compute, and use technology to lead healthy, productive, and fulfilling lives. 

Pew Internet and American Life Project Logo

The Future of the Internet

Contributed by: Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

A report on the findings of a wide-ranging survey of technology leaders, scholars, industry officials, and analysts that found most internet experts expect attacks on the network infrastructure in the coming decade as the internet becomes more embedded in everyday and commercial life.

Pew Internet and American Life Project Logo

Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project

Contributed by: Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

A "fact tank" that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world--contains articles and information on digital literacy topics.

ESL/Civics Links logo

ESL/Civics Links

Contributed by: Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)

ESL/CivicsLink is a professional development system for adult education ESL teachers. Developed by adult educators for adult educators and tested in the field, this web-based product is managed by Kentucky Educational Television and prepares teachers to do the following: teach English to speakers of other languages, enhance cross-cultural awareness, and integrate English literacy instruction and civics education.

PBS Digital Learning Library logo

PBS Digital Learning Library

Contributed by: Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)

The PBS Digital Learning Library is a public media, system-wide repository of digital media learning objects including videos, images, audio, games, and documents. You must be a member to access the resources.

Frontline logo

Frontline: Growing Up Online

Contributed by: Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)

Frontline produced a program to take viewers inside the public private worlds of kids and the internet.

Frontline logo

Frontline: Growing Up Online

Contributed by: Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)

Frontline developed materials for teachers, parents and kids to accompany the PBS program Growing Up Online. These resources include downloadable viewing guides for parent and for teachers that includes a seven-part discussion question section, lesson plans for the classroom, resources for building parent-teen online engagement, and a Cyberquiz: "What Kind of Cyber Guide are You?" that explores parents' media management styles.

Teach Parents Tech Logo

Teach Parents Tech

Contributed by: Google

Video tutorials on tech support issues and allows users to send simple tech videos to individuals that need technology assistance.

Partnership for 21st Century Skills logo

Partnership for 21st Century Skills

Contributed by: Partnership for 21st Century Skills

A public-private partnership that offers tools and resources focused on 21st century readiness for every student.

Google for Educators Logo

Google for Educators

Contributed by: Google

Tools for teachers, collaborative space to share ideas and discussion groups.

National Forum on Information Literacy (NFIL) logo

National Forum on Information Literacy (NFIL)

Contributed by: National Forum on Information Literacy (NFIL)

Created by the American Library Association (ALA) in response to a Presidential committee recommendation in 1989. Recognizes October as National Information Awareness Month and works to promote the visibility of information literacy by collaborating on a variety of activities with a host of organizations, schools, colleges/universities, businesses, and governmental agencies.

Green ICT Guide logo

Green ICT Guide

Contributed by: GeSCI

A guide for the purchase, use, and disposal of ICT.

FTC logo

Avoiding "Miracle" Health Claims

Contributed by: Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Guide to avoid "miracle" health claims