Subcommittee Hearing: Building One DHS: Why is Employee Morale Low?

Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Management | 311 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 | Mar 22, 2012 9:00am

Opening Statements

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), Chairman

[full text of opening statement]



Panel I

Admiral Thad Allen (Ret.)
Senior Vice President
Booz Allen Hamilton
[full text of testimony]
[truth in testimony]

Panel II

Ms. Catherine Emerson
Chief Human Capital Officer
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
[full text of testimony]

Mr. David Maurer
Homeland Security and Justice Team
Government Accountability Office
[full text of testimony]

Mr. Max Stier
President and CEO
The Partnership for Public Service
[full text of testimony]
[truth in testimony]

Dr. Jeff T. H. Pon
Chief Human Resources Officer
Society for Human Resource Management
[full text of testimony]
[truth in testimony]