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Defense Priorities & Allocations System (Title I)

The Defense Priorities & Allocations System (DPAS) Program is a means to assure timely availability of industrial resources to meet national defense requirements and a way to provide a framework for rapidly expanding industrial resources in a national emergency, specifically as needed to support Department of Defense Weapon Systems. It guarantees on-time delivery of items and services, contains a mechanism for resolving DPAS disputes between the DoD and industry, and provides a process for optimizing delivery of urgently needed material during wartime or contingency operations.

A DPAS "rating" is assigned to all military systems used in support of national defense, from the largest finished platform to the smallest component. It can be applied to all stages of acquisition research and development, initial design, production testing, delivery, and logistics support.

(DPAS) Continuous Learning Module

The goal of the DPAS module is to ensure Government and industry users are thoroughly familiar with priorities and allocations authority of the Defense Production Act. It reveals the purpose of DPAS, which is to assure the timely availability of industrial resources to meet current and future national security and emergency preparedness requirements. The module takes approximately three hours to complete and contains an end of module test that must be passed with a 100% score. You have unlimited attempts to pass the test. Upon completion, you will be eligible for 3 Continuous Learning (CL) Points.

To register for the class, please visit Defense Acquisition University, Course # CLC043