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2007 Supplemental Wholesale Power Rate Case - Final Proposal Documents

On September 22, 2008, electronic (PDF) versions of BPA's Final Proposal Studies and Documentation were filed via the Rate Case Parties Web Site and linked to this web page. On February 5 and 12, 2009, BPA filed erratum affecting several of these documents with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (the Commission). BPA posted the corrected documents to the BPA Rate Case web page on March 5, 2009. On March 17, 2009, the Commission accepted the erratum.

Record of Decision Dates
  WP-07 #   Title
(DOE/BP #)
Filed Posted
WP-07-A-05 2007 Supplemental Wholesale Power Rate Case Administrator's Final ROD (DOE/BP #3929) CONFORMED TO ERRATA 738 9-22-08 3-05-09
WP-07-A-05A Appendix A: 2007 Wholesale Power Rate Schedules (FY 2009) and 2007 General Rate Schedule Provisions (FY 2009) (DOE/BP #3926) CONFORMED TO ERRATA 156 9-22-08 3-05-09
WP-07-A-06 Section 7(B)(2) of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, Legal Interpretation (DOE/BP #3936) 22 9-22-08 9-22-08
WP-07-A-07 Section 7(B)(2) of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, Implementation Methodology (DOE/BP #3942) 14 9-22-08 9-22-08

Final Proposal Studies and Documentation

Studies & Documentation Dates
  WP-07 #   Title
(DOE/BP #)
Filed Posted
FY 2002-2008 Lookback Study
(DOE/BP #3912)
332 9-22-08 3-05-09
WP-07-FS-BPA-08A FY 2002-2008 Lookback Study Documentation Volume 1
(DOE/BP #3913)
298 9-22-08 9-22-08
WP-07-FS-BPA-08B FY 2002-2008 Lookback Study Documentation Volume 2
(DOE/BP #3940)
600 9-22-08 9-22-08
FY 2002-2008 Lookback Study Documentation Volume 3
(DOE/BP #3941)
288 9-22-08 3-05-09
WP-07-FS-BPA-09 FY 2009 Load Resource Study
(DOE/BP #3914)
38 9-22-08 9-22-08
WP-07-FS-BPA-09A FY 2009 Load Resource Study Documentation
(DOE/BP #3915)
80 9-22-08 9-22-08
FY 2009 Revenue Requirement Study
(DOE/BP #3916)
142 9-22-08 3-05-09
FY 2009 Revenue Requirement Study Documentation, Volume 1
(DOE/BP #3917)
142 9-22-08 9-22-08
WP-07-FS-BPA-10B FY 2009 Revenue Requirement Study Documentation, Volume 2
(DOE/BP #3934)
114 9-22-08 9-22-08
WP-07-FS-BPA-11 FY 2009 Market Price Forecast Study
(DOE/BP #3918)
28 9-22-08 9-22-08
WP-07-FS-BPA-11A FY 2009 Market Price Forecast Study Documentation
(DOE/BP #3919)
72 9-22-08 9-22-08
WP-07-FS-BPA-12 FY 2009 Risk Analysis Study
(DOE/BP #3920)
78 9-22-08 9-22-08
WP-07-FS-BPA-12A FY 2009 Risk Analysis Study Documentation
(DOE/BP #3921)
156 9-22-08 9-22-08
FY 2009 Wholesale Power Rate Development Study
(DOE/BP #3922)
160 9-22-08 3-05-09
FY 2009 Wholesale Power Rate Development Study Documentation, Volume 1
(DOE/BP #3923)
308 9-22-08 3-05-09
WP-07-FS-BPA-13B FY 2009 Wholesale Power Rate Development Study Documentation, Volume 2
(DOE/BP #3935)
492 9-22-08 9-22-08
WP-07-FS-BPA-14 FY 2009 Section 7(b)(2) Rate Test Study
(DOE/BP #3924)
160 9-22-08 9-22-08
WP-07-FS-BPA-14A FY 2009 Section 7(b)(2) Rate Test Study Documentation
(DOE/BP #3925)
64 9-22-08 9-22-08

WP-07 Supplemental Rates Models

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