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Export-Import Bank Support for U.S. Exports to Vietnam


“Vietnam is one of the world's key growing economies. Ex-Im Bank is pleased to provide a USD$500 million financing facility to support the nation's infrastructure growth through the purchase of U.S. goods and services by the government and private companies," Hochberg said. ...It expresses our readiness to help finance Vietnam's infrastructure development in key sectors such as communications, transportation including highway and rail projects, renewable energy and other types of power, wastewater treatment, and medical equipment and services.” – Fred Hochberg, Chairman, Export-Import Bank of the U.S.

Vietnam is a true emerging market, offering ground floor and growing opportunities for U.S. exporters.  Vietnam’s economic growth rate has been among the highest in the world in recent years.  As Vietnam’s economy has expanded, so has its need for infrastructure projects, creating significant opportunities in sectors such as power and transportation.  The Government of Vietnam is expected to implement far-reaching economic, regulatory, and administrative changes that will provide a more favorable environment for American businesses to enter and expand in the market.  In addition, a trade relationship which is improving through the implementation of trade agreements, such as a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement signed in 2007, also enhances opportunities for U.S. exporters.    


Vietnam. activity by sector. f y 2005 through 2010. Chemicals	 $200,000.00 , Wood Products	 $4,480,000.00 , Food Products	 $1,900,000.00 , Machinery & Equipment	 $498,750.00 , Engineering Services	 $2,000,000.00

Map of Vietnam with numbers set at Hanoi (1), Bin Duong Province (2), Thu Dau Mot (3), Ho Chi Minh City (4), and Vung Tau (5) corresponding with the success stories on this page

Success Stories

  1. Hanoi: Vietnam Airlines (VNA) purchased four Boeing 777-200ER aircraft with the help of a long term loan guarantee from the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Exim Bank).  The transaction allowed VNA to expand its international route network and modernize its fleet, facilitating increased business and leisure travel to and from Vietnam. 

  2. Bin Duong Province: Sellari Enterprises, a meat supplier based in Bedford, Virginia, sold $1.9 million of frozen poultry products to the Vina Food Corporation in Bin Duong province.  The transaction was supported by a short term insurance policy, which protected Sellari Enterprises from non-payment risks.
  3. Thu Dau Mot: Sao Nam Flooring Co. purchased $4.3 million of hardwood lumber products from Classic American Hardwoods Inc. of Memphis, Tennessee.  Exim Bank supported the transaction with a short term insurance policy to protect against non-payment risks.
  4. Ho Chi Minh City:  Wenger Manufacturing of Sabetha, Kansas, sold $498,750 of extrusion equipment for food processing to Hung Vuong Joint Stock Company.  The transaction was supported by a short term insurance policy from Exim Bank.
  5. Vung Tau:  Enertech Services International of Houston, Texas, provided $2 million dollars of complex engineering services to Energy Workforce SDN BHD, an energy company with operations in Vietnam.  A short term insurance policy from Exim Bank was purchased for the transaction by Enertech Services to protect against non-payment risks.

Updated: 20100921

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