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Pelosi: Governor Romney's Comments a Rejection of American Dream

September 18, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today in response to video-taped remarks by Governor Mitt Romney concerning 47% of Americans:

"Sadly, Governor Romney's comments mirror his distorted thinking about America, especially at a time when we must be working to unite our nation, not divide it.  It is a reflection of the privilege to which he thinks he is entitled and an insult to those who are working to achieve the American Dream.

"Governor Romney’s comments are a rejection of that American Dream which means that if you are willing to work hard, play by the rules and take responsibility, you can achieve the American Dream. 

"Democrats are committed to reigniting the American Dream and building ladders of opportunity by strengthening the pillars that have always made our economy succeed: small businesses, entrepreneurs, and a thriving middle class.  House Republicans and Governor Romney are tearing down those ladders of opportunity and placing the American Dream out of reach for millions of middle class Americans."