Command Sgt. Maj. Edwin Rodriguez passes the NCO sword to Maj. Gen. Kevin R. Wendel, First Army Division East Commanding General, signifying the change of responsibility from him to Command Sgt. Maj. Dennis E. Defreese, at Fort George G. Meade, Md., on Sept. 21, 2012. The tradition of the sword ritual signifies the transition of changing the senior enlisted advisor of the Division.

New First Army Division East Command Sergeant Major excited to Train for Combat!

After 27 months as the senior enlisted advisor of First Army Division East, Command Sgt. Maj. Sgt. Major Edwin Rodriguez passed the Noncommissioned Officer Sword, signifying the transfer of the responsibility of the Division, to the new Division......READ MORE



Mission Statement:
FORSCOM prepares conventional forces to provide a sustained flow of trained and ready land power to Combatant Commanders in defense of the Nation at home and abroad.

Vision Statement:
For the Army of 2020, FORSCOM provides enhanced land power gaining operational depth and versatility through a mix of fully integrated Active and Reserve Component forces operating in a Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational environment. Organizations will be expeditionary, campaign focused, and tailorable to provide Combatant Commanders the required capabilities to be decisive across the range of military operations.


"I am truly honored to be the 19th commander of United States Army Forces Command and humbled by the responsibility for the training and readiness of more than 820,000 active and reserve component Soldiers. We as an Army possess shared values, a resolute strength and unyielding determination. As your commander, I will strive to advance these ideals in the execution of our mission and the care of our Soldiers, civilians and Families."

Gen. David M. Rodriguez, Commanding General, United States Army Forces Command

Gen. Rodriguez' official biography & photograph


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Page last updated Wed September 26th, 2012 at 09:32