U.S. Department of Commerce

International Programs

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Contact Us

For assistance, please contact the Census Call Center at 1-800-923-8282 (toll free) or visit ask.census.gov for further information.

Contact Information for Specific Programs

Census and Survey Processing System (CSPro)
The U.S. Census Bureau provides email support for CSPro at cspro@lists.census.gov. You may submit your question to the support team in English, French, or Spanish. Please attach to your email any supporting programs or data files that are relevant to your question.

Global Population Mapping
Please contact the Census Bureau's Humanitarian Assistance Data Team at pop.global.map.list@census.gov for more information about any of the international mapping projects described on this site.

HIV/AIDS Surveillance
For information on products or services related to international HIV/AIDS surveillance, please email the Census Bureau's Health Studies Branch at pop.ipc.hiv@census.gov.

HIV/AIDS Surveillance Data Base is updated annually. The Census Bureau welcomes comments and suggestions from users of the Data Base as well as copies of articles or references to information which may have been overlooked.

International Demographic and Economic Analysis
For information on products or services related to international demographic and economic analysis, including the International Data Base, please email pop.ipc.des.web@census.gov.

Capacity Building through Technical Assistance and Training
For information on capacity building activities and training programs, please email ipc@lists.census.gov.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | International Programs |  Last Revised: 2012-07-31T11:00:14.763-04:00