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Healthy Eating Index

Archived Data Files for the Original Healthy Eating Index

The data files include the HEI and component scores as well as the Household ID, Respondent Number, and Day Code for merging or matching with the CSFII or NHANES data sets as applicable. The data are for each day that a respondent reported positive food intake for individuals 2 years of age and older. Please note that the USDA Reports on the HEI 1994-96 and 1999-2000 used day one intake data only.

You can download the HEI data in compressed, self-extracting SAS 6.12 or SPSS Portable formats. The 2001-2002 data are not compressed.

Extract the files by double clicking on them. Because some of the extracted files may have the same names, save each extracted file in its own unique folder. You can rename the extracted files to suit your needs.

These files are about 1.3 MB compressed. They uncompress to about 3.2 MB. The 1998 files are smaller.

Last Modified: 03/14/2012