Today, we need your help in reaching out to the Asian & Pacific Islander community. We need everyone to watch our public service announcement and share it with their family and friends. Email it. Blog it. Share it on your Facebook or MySpace page. Tweet about it. We also have two special commemoration messages that you can share as well. We hope that you will join us in commemorating National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day by talking about HIV!

James Kyson Lee, of NBC's Heroes is a Banyan Tree Project spokesperson. For the 6th annual National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, James took time out of his busy schedule to film a special ask for the community to get educated and talk about HIV.

Kiran Ahuja is the Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. She is responsible for directing the efforts of the White House Initiative and the Presidential Advisory Commission on AAPIs to advise federal agency leadership on the implementation and coordination of federal programs as they relate to AAPIs across executive departments and agencies. Kiran sat down with A&PI Wellness Center Executive Director Lance Toma to film a special message to the community for May 19.

The Banyan Tree Project is a national campaign to end the silence and shame surrounding HIV/AIDS in Asian and Pacific Islander (A&PI) communities. The Banyan Tree Project produces an annual social marketing campaign, the National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, and Capacity Building Assistance (CBA) programs, targeting community-based organizations serving Asians and Pacific Islanders.

  • LEARN — get the facts about HIV/AIDS in the A&PI community. Know your status! Get tested!
  • SHARE — talk about HIV with your family and friends.
  • GET INVOLVED—Stop HIV stigma in your community! Find out about a May 19th event in your area…or host one yourself!


The Banyan Tree Project, Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center's national anti-stigma partnership, has wrapped production on its social marketing materials! Check out our new public service announcement, poster and fact sheets. This year's campaign slogan is "Saving face can't make you safe. Talk about HIV."

"Saving face" is a common cultural concept in A&PI communities, where individuals seek to protect the family from perceived public shame or disgrace. In practice, "saving face" contributes to silence about sex, HIV, and safe sex practices. Saving face and stigma also lead to higher rates of HIV infection and a lack of knowledge about one's HIV status:

  • 1 in 3 Asians and Pacific Islanders living with HIV don't know it
  • Over half of Pacific Islanders have never been tested for HIV
  • Over two-thirds of Asians have never been tested for HIV

Saurabh Bajaj, A&PI Wellness Center’s Director of Development, was recently interviewed for Comcast Newsmakers. Saurabh talks about the problem that stigma poses for the A&PI community, and how stigma contributes to increasing rates of HIV.

How can you help spread the word?

It's easy! Get ready and set to help spread the word:

  • Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and share our postings and tweets
  • Embed our videos on your web page, blog, and share them by visiting our YouTube page
  • Download and sign the Banyan Tree Pledge. Make extra copies for your friends to sign!

When you're ready and set, GO!

  • Attend or promote a National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day event. Visit our Event Page for an event in your area.
  • Share our updates from Facebook on your wall and with your friends.
  • Retweet our Twitter feed. Use the hashtag #May19 for any National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day related tweets.
  • Embed or share our PSAs leading up to May 19 on your emails, web site, blogs, Facebook page or Twitter feed.

News and Events

National HIV Vaccine Awareness Day, May 18

Download a PDF of our poster.

The Banyan Tree Project is a program of A&PI Wellness Center

Social Networking

Additional info

Our partners are nonprofit and community-based organizations dedicated to providing HIV referrals, education, outreach, advocacy, prevention and care services to A&PI communities.

This site contains HIV prevention messages that may not be appropriate for all audiences.