Press Policy

The Administrative Conference of the United States events are generally open to the public and input from the government, members of the public, academia, the bar, and the business community are welcome. The Conference welcomes written feedback and solicits comments on its studies and projects prior to public meetings via its website at

Members of the media seeking answers to research questions concerning research projects, studies, recommendations or any other topics should contact Megan Kindelan, Communications Director, at (202) 480-2091 or via email at Administrative Conference transcripts, archival photographs, film or audio clips are available on the Administrative Conference website.

Committee Meetings

Members of the media wishing to attend are asked to RSVP via and CC the Communications Director at Advance notice is appreciated due to space limitations.

Plenary Sessions

Because the location of these sessions varies on a case-by-case basis, members of the media seeking to attend should contact the Communication Director directly for complete details.

Interview Requests

All requests for interviews with administration and staff should be made through the Communications Director at (202) 480-2091 or via email at

Other items to note:

Photography or filming for the purpose of promoting commercial products or other commercial interests is not allowed.

News media wishing to broadcast live from within the Administrative Conference premises at 1120 20th Street, NW, are asked to give advance notification in order that Security can facilitate the parking of satellite trucks. Live broadcasts of actual events may not be possible due to space limitations.

For more information contact:

Megan Kindelan
Communications Director
Administrative Conference of the United States
202 . 480 . 2091

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