
A list is available of reports, articles, and papers wholly or partially funded or sponsored by the Administrative Conference, or written by ACUS Chairs and staff members throughout its existence from 1968 to 1995 (note that some entries also reflect continued publication activity beyond 1995):


ACUS Bibliography 1968-1995 (pdf)


Many reports were written by consultants performing research for the Conference in the process of developing recommendations. In addition, there are guides, sourcebooks, and manuals prepared by the staff of the Office of the Chairman, journal articles written by the staff, published transcripts of colloquia, seminars and other meetings, and papers prepared by committees or working groups. Many reports were also reprinted privately so titles may vary. Entries for reports that lead to a recommendation contain an annotation with additional bibliographic information about the recommendation. The titles used for this bibliography are the titles that appear in ACUS’s series, Recommendations and Reports. All known published versions are noted in each entry.

Conference recommendations can be viewed on our website.

The Conference, in collaboration with HeinOnline, is currently creating electronic copies of publications and other documents produced by the Conference, or in conjunction with Conference activities, during the period of 1968-1995.  Many of these materials will be posted on this website within the coming months.  The AdministrativeFix Blog will contain updates on available historical documents.

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