Legal Scholarship Blog

The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, the University of Georgia School of Law, the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, and the University of Washington School of Law

Call for Papers: Sociology of Law and Political Action – Toulouse, France

19th December 2012

Sciences Po Toulouse and the Research Committee on Sociology of Law of the International Sociological Association (ISA/RCSL) are holding a conference on September 3-6, 2013. The theme of the conference is Sociology of Law and Political Action.

Deadline: February 1, 2013 im

Posted in CALLS FOR PAPERS, CONFERENCES, Law and Politics, Law and Society | No Comments »

Call for Papers: Law and Economics of IP and Competition Law

19th December 2012

The International Max Planck Research School for Competition and Innovation and the Center for Law & Economics at ETH Zurich host the Fourth Workshop for Junior Researchers on the Law and Economics of Intellectual Property and Competition Law on June 10-12, 2013.

The workshop will enable a small number of junior researchers from law and from economics to engage in an intensive, rigorous discussion of their own scholarly work. Several senior professors from law and from economics departments in Europe and the United States will provide feedback on the research projects….The organizers will fund travel and hotel expenses for all invited workshop participants.

Deadline: February 15, 2013. im

Posted in CALLS FOR PAPERS, CONFERENCES, Intellectual Property, JUNIOR SCHOLARS, Law and Economics | No Comments »

Personal Property Security Law: Local and Global Perspectives – Adelaide, Australia

19th December 2012

The Adelaide Law School presents Personal Property Security Law: Local and Global Perspectives on February 20-21, 2013.

The two-day conference on personal property security law coincides with the one-year anniversary of the implementation in Australia of the Personal Property Securities Act (PPSA).

The PPSA impacts on commercial, finance and insolvency law and practice, and across most sectors of business and consumer activity, and also intersects with other bodies of law. It has been called the most important piece of commercial law reform in Australia for decades. It replaces and challenges long-established legal paradigms and terminology, in the interests of a wider economic or ‘functional’ approach to what is captured as a security interest in personal property.

The conference brings together international and national experts from academia and the professions, and covers all aspects of the PPSA and secured transactions in personal property, including special sessions focusing on insolvency and financial property and payments.


Posted in Bankruptcy Law, CONFERENCES, Consumer Law, Property Law | No Comments »

Call for Papers: National Business Law Scholars Conference – Columbus, OH

19th December 2012

The National Business Law Scholars Conference is seeking papers for the fourth annual meeting to be held June 12-13, 2013, at The Ohio State University Michael E. Moritz College of Law.

Deadline: April 15, 2013. To propose a presentation, email Professor Eric C. Chaffee at echaffee1[@] with an abstract or paper. Please title the email “NBLSC Submission – {Name}”.

If you would like to attend, but not present, your subject line should read “NBLSC Attendance” and be directed to Professor Chaffee. Please specify in your email whether you are willing to serve as a commentator or moderator.  A conference schedule will be circulated in late May. im

Posted in Business Law, CALLS FOR PAPERS, CONFERENCES | No Comments »

Public Procurement and Public Private Partnerships – Brussels, Belgium

19th December 2012

Lexxion presents Regulating the State’s Business: Public Procurement and Public Private Partnerships, March 12-13, 2013, in Brussels.

The conference will provide comprehensive insights and expert guidance on how to interpret and meet the new challenges arising from the current reforms of the public procurement rules as well as the new directive on concessions. A special focus will also be given to financial and legal considerations of [Public Private Partnerships] and their          relationship to State aid rules as an alternative means to             finance infrastructure in times of tight public budgets.


Posted in CONFERENCES, Government Law | No Comments »

Grants to Study Congressional Leadership, U.S. Congress

18th December 2012

The Dirksen Congressional Center invites applications for grants to fund research on congressional leadership and the U.S. Congress. Proposals must be received by March 1, 2013. Details are here.

The competition is open to individuals with a serious interest in studying Congress. Political scientists, historians, biographers, scholars of public administration or American studies, and journalists are among those eligible. The Center encourages graduate students who have successfully defended their dissertation prospectus to apply and awards a significant portion of the funds for dissertation research. Applicants must be U.S. citizens who reside in the United States.

The awards program does not fund undergraduate or pre-Ph.D. study. Organizations are not eligible. Research teams of two or more individuals are eligible. No institutional overhead or indirect costs may be claimed against a Congressional Research Award.

Posted in Constitutional Law, Law and Politics, Legal History, OTHER SCHOLARLY OPPORTUNITIES | No Comments »

Trends and Issues in Politics & the Law – Dartmouth, MA

18th December 2012

The University of Massachusetts Law Review  seeks speakers for its upcoming symposium titled Trends and Issues in Politics & the Law that will be held at the University of Massachusetts School of Law on March 1, 2013. Proposals to speak must be submitted to by January 15, 2013.

For inquiries, contact the Managing Editor, Ed Callahan, at lawreview[@], or by phone at 508.985.1107. im

Posted in CONFERENCES, EVENTS, Law and Politics | No Comments »

Call for Submissions: U Mass Law Review

18th December 2012

The University of Massachusetts Law Review requests submissions for its upcoming May 2013 double issue. The issue will feature articles addressing politics and immigration, respectively. Submissions ”may include developments in theory, legislation, or recent case law. The UMass Law Review recommends that authors take an approach that will clearly explain a problem in recent legal developments and offer a novel solution, analysis, or interpretation.”

Deadline: January 15, 2013.

To be considered for publication, please submit your abstract and curriculum vitae to lawreviewsubmissions[@] Space is limited, and selections will be made on a rolling basis. Articles that can be executed in 20,000 words or less are strongly preferred. All submissions should be submitted electronically and should contain an abstract of no more than 400 words. im

Posted in CALLS FOR PAPERS, Immigration Law, Law and Politics | No Comments »

Call for Papers: Intellectual Property and Federal Policy: Universal Access in the Digital Environment – Washington DC

18th December 2012

On April 5, 2013, the American University Washington College of Law will host the Inaugural Cherry Blossom Symposium on Intellectual Property and Federal Policy: Universal Access in the Digital Environment. The symposium will explore intersections between intellectual property and Federal disability rights policy.

The symposium will take as a starting point the tensions between Federal intellectual property laws, which promote exclusion as a means of fostering creation and innovation, and disability rights law and policy, which promote universal access and social inclusion. The intersection of intellectual property laws and disability rights legislation and policy is occurring increasingly – including in policy discussions and litigation over access to e-readers for people with visual impairments, over access to closed captioning for media content for people who are deaf or hard of hearing, over access to web content for people with cognitive disabilities and over strategies for promoting innovation in technologies and services that promote access more generally for people with disabilities.

Deadline: January 31, 2013. Abstracts should be submitted here or emailed to  or email sflynn[@]

The 2013 Cherry Blossom Symposium is being sponsored by WCL’s Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property, Disability Rights Law Clinic, and the Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. im

Posted in CALLS FOR PAPERS, CONFERENCES, Disability Law, Intellectual Property | No Comments »

Call for Submissions: The Journal of Lesbian Studies

17th December 2012

The Journal of Lesbian Studies will be devoting a thematic journal issue to Barbara Grier, “an icon in lesbian literary history and feminist publishing.” 

From her “Lesbiana” column in Daughters of Bilitis’ magazine The Ladder, to three editions of The Lesbian in Literature (1967, 1975, 1985), to her role as publisher of the Naiad Press from 1973-2003, Barbara Grier introduced hundreds of new lesbian books to readers and kept several lesbian classics on the literary horizon.

The Journal of Lesbian Studies is an interdisciplinary journal, and articles addressing legal issues are welcome. “Proposals that discuss or contextualize the significance of Grier’s work or influence are especially welcome.”

Deadlines: December 20, 2012, for proposals. April 1, 2013 for final essays (approx. 5,000-7,500 words)

Proposals of no more than 500 words with a brief CV should be emailed to guest editor Danielle DeMuth at demuthd[@] Include “JLS Special Issue” as the subject line. im

Posted in CALLS FOR PAPERS, Law and Gender | No Comments »

Law & Society Post-doctoral Fellowship – Madison, WI

17th December 2012

The Institute for Legal Studies at the University of Wisconsin Law School invites applications for its 2013-14 Law & Society Post-doctoral Fellowship. “The fellowship is designed to support a scholar at an early stage in his or her career when, under prevailing circumstances, career pressures or teaching responsibilities might divert the individual away from research.”

Deadline: January 10, 2013

Questions can be addressed to Pam Hollenhorst: pshollen[@]     im
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Academic Symposium track: 2014 AALS Annual Meeting – New York, NY

17th December 2012

The Association of American Law Schools announces a new Academic Symposium track that will begin at the 2014 Annual Meeting that will be held in New York City on January 3-6, 2014. ”This new track will offer space at the Annual Meeting for open-source programs expressly structured as academic symposia.  Symposium program proposals may be proposed by any faculty member at an AALS Member School, and need not be tied to any AALS Section.”

Deadline: Proposals are due March 1, 2013.  Proposals may be for either full-day or half-day programs.  Proposals will need to include (a) an abstract of up to 750 words describing the overall symposium program and its anticipated contribution to legal scholarship, (b) abstracts of up to 250 words summarizing each symposium paper, and (c) a list of symposium participants.

Questions should be directed to Jane La Barbera at the AALS (jlabarbera[@] im

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Posted in Legal Education, OTHER SCHOLARLY OPPORTUNITIES | No Comments »

Feminist Theory Workshop – Durham, NC

17th December 2012

Duke University will host the Seventh Annual Feminist Theory Workshop March 22-23, 2013.

The Seventh Annual Feminist Theory Workshop offers a unique opportunity for scholars to engage in sustained dialogue about feminist theory as a scholarly domain of inquiry. The “workshop” approach of this conference requires active participation of both presenters and attendees.

h/t: Feminist Law Professors 


Posted in CONFERENCES, Law and Gender, Law and Society | No Comments »

American Society of International Law Arthur C. Helton Fellowship

14th December 2012

The American Society of International Law (ASIL) is now accepting applications for the Arthur C. Helton Fellowship Program, established in 2004 to “provide financial assistance in the form of “micro-grants” for law students and young professionals to pursue field work and research on significant issues involving international law, human rights, humanitarian affairs, and related areas.”


Fellows must undertake their fieldwork between April 2013 and September 2013 in association with an established educational institution, international organization, or non-governmental organization working in areas related to international law, human rights, and humanitarian affairs.


Applicants must also be sponsored or affiliated, for purposes of completing their project, in some way with an educational institution, international organization, or non-governmental organization working in international law, human rights, humanitarian affairs, or related areas. Applicants should have contacted the sponsoring organization to discuss their proposal prior to applying for the Helton Fellowship. The name of the sponsoring organization and contact information for its representatives must be included in the application.

Deadline: January 7, 2013 by 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time im

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Posted in Human Rights Law, International Law, OTHER SCHOLARLY OPPORTUNITIES | No Comments »

Solving Global Problems: Perspectives from International Law and Policy – New York, NY

14th December 2012

New York Law School Law Review  and the Institute for Global Law, Justice & Policy presents Solving Global Problems: Perspectives from International Law and Policy on April 12, 2013.

This symposium will examine the role of international law, legal policy, and norms in solving contemporary global problems. Distinguished scholars from across the United States and overseas will discuss pressing problems in areas of international law including environmental law, investment and trade law, the use of force, and human rights.


Posted in CONFERENCES, International Law | No Comments »

Exploring Civil Society through the Writings of Dr. Seuss – New York, NY

14th December 2012

New York Law School Law Review  and the New York Law School Racial Justice Project presents Exploring Civil Society through the Writings of Dr. Seuss on March 1, 2013.

This symposium will examine aspects of civil society that are reflected in a selection of Dr. Seuss™ books, including tolerance, punishment, equality, civil and human rights, land use and property rights, and corporate responsibility, with the help of a cross-disciplinary group of scholars from law, humanities, and philosophy who are recognized leaders in these fields. Each of the panels will address these topics as they relate to a specific Dr. Seuss title.


Posted in CONFERENCES, Jurisprudence, Law and Philosophy, Law and Society | No Comments »

Ontario Legal Philosophy Partnership (OLPP) Graduate Conference for Legal Theory – Toronto, Ontario

14th December 2012

The McMaster University’s Philosophy Department, York University’s Philosophy Department & Osgoode Hall Law School present the Ontario Legal Philosophy Partnership (OLPP) Graduate Conference for Legal Theory on May 8-10, 2013. The conference will address the following topics: General and Normative Jurisprudence, The Nature of Law, Law and Morality, Judicial Review, Judicial Activism, Theories of the Judicial Role, Constitutionalism, Feminist Approaches to Legal Theory, Critical Legal Studies, The History of Legal Philosophy, Law and Authority, controversies related to all areas of law (criminal law, tort law, administrative law, etc.), and International Law.

The conference does focus on research by graduate and law students, but everyone (including law faculty) are welcome to attend. Contact philosophy_conference[@] for more information. im

Posted in CONFERENCES, Jurisprudence, Law and Society | No Comments »

International IP Conference on the Protection of Trade Secrets – Geneva

13th December 2012

The Law School of the University of Geneva will host an International IP Conference on the Protection of Trade Secrets on January 18, 2013.

The detailed program is available here.

Full-time academics are welcome to attend the event for free (please send an email with your full contact details to to register). On-line registration is otherwise available here. gf

Posted in CONFERENCES, Intellectual Property, International Law | No Comments »

Intellectual Property Law and Policy Conference – New York City

13th December 2012

The 21st Annual Fordham intellectual Property Law and Policy Conference will be held on April 4-5, 2013 in New York City. For more information visit the Fordham IP Institute. gf

Posted in CONFERENCES, Intellectual Property | No Comments »

Course Design Institute – Boston, MA

13th December 2012

Suffolk University’s Center for Teaching Excellence will be holding a Course Design Institute taking place the week of January 7th-10th, 2013 from 10am-3pm each day.

To register for the January institute, contact Christina DiRico (
For more information on the Course Design Institute, go here. gf

Posted in CONFERENCES, Legal Education | No Comments »