Presidents Travels to Russia

Name Locale Remarks Date
Franklin D. Roosevelt Yalta Attended Yalta Conference with Soviet Premier Stalin and British Prime Minister Churchill. February 3-​12, 1945
Richard M. Nixon Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev State visit; met with Premier Kosygin and General Secretary Brezhnev. Signed SALT I and ABM Treaties. May 22-​30, 1972
Richard M. Nixon Moscow, Minsk, Oreanda Official visit; met with General Secretary Brezhnev, President Podgorny, and Premier Kosygin. June 27-​July 3, 1974
Gerald R. Ford Vladivostok Met with General Secretary Brezhnev and discussed limitations of strategic arms. November 23-​24, 1974
Ronald Reagan Moscow Summit meeting with General Secretary Gorbachev. Exchanged ratifications of the INF Treaty. May 29-​June 2, 1988
George H. W. Bush Moscow, Kiev Attended U.S.-Soviet Summit Meeting. Signed Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. Addressed the Ukrainian Parliament. July 29-​August 1, 1991
George H. W. Bush Moscow Signed START II Treaty. January 2-​3, 1993
William J. Clinton Moscow Met with President Yeltsin and senior Russian officials. Signed nuclear disarmament agreement with Ukraine. January 12-​15, 1994
William J. Clinton Moscow Summit meeting. Attended VE Day ceremonies. May 9-​11, 1995
William J. Clinton St. Petersburg, Moscow Attended G-7 summit on nuclear safety and held a summit meeting with President Yeltsin. April 18-​21, 1996
William J. Clinton Moscow Summit meeting with President Yeltsin. September 1-​3, 1998
William J. Clinton Moscow Summit meeting with President Putin; addressed the Duma. June 3-​5, 2000
George W. Bush Moscow, St. Petersburg Summit meeting with President Putin. Signed strategic arms reduction treaty. May 23-​26, 2002
George W. Bush St. Petersburg Met with President Putin. November 22, 2002
George W. Bush St. Petersburg Met with President Putin and attended ceremonies commemorating the city’s 300th anniversary. May 31-​June 1, 2003
George W. Bush Moscow Met with President Putin and attended ceremonies commemorating VE Day. May 8-​9, 2005
George W. Bush St. Petersburg Attended the G-8 Economic Summit. Met with President Hu of China, July 16; and President Lula of Brazil and Prime Minister Singh of India, July 17. July 14-​17, 2006
George W. Bush Moscow Met with President Putin. November 15, 2006
George W. Bush Sochi Met with President Putin and President-elect Medvedev. April 5-​6, 2008
Barack Obama Moscow Met with President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin. July 6-​8, 2009