Presidents Travels to Poland

Name Locale Remarks Date
Richard M. Nixon Warsaw Official visit; met with First Secretary Gierek. May 31-​June 1, 1972
Gerald R. Ford Warsaw, Krakow Official visit; met with First Secretary Gierek. July 28-​29, 1975
Jimmy Carter Warsaw Official visit; met with First Secretary Gierek. December 29-​31, 1977
George H. W. Bush Warsaw, Gdansk Met with government and Solidarity leaders. Addressed the National Assembly on July 10. July 9-​11, 1989
George H. W. Bush Warsaw Met with President Walesa and attended a memorial service for former Prime Minister Paderewski. July 5, 1992
William J. Clinton Warsaw Addressed the Polish Parliament and attended ceremonies commemorating the Warsaw Ghetto revolt. July 6-​7, 1994
William J. Clinton Warsaw Met with President Kwasniewski and former President Walesa. July 10-​11, 1997
George W. Bush Warsaw State visit. June 15-​16, 2001
George W. Bush Krakow, Auschwitz-Birkenau Met with President Kwasniewski and Prime Minister Miller; visited former Nazi concentration camps. May 30-​31, 2003
George W. Bush Gdansk, Jurata Hel. Met with Presidetn Kaczynski. June 8, 2007
Barack Obama Warsaw Met with President Komorowski and Prime Minister Tusk. May 27-​28, 2011