Visits By Foreign Leaders of Romania

Visitor From Description Date
Prime Minister Ion Gheorghe Maurer Romania Informal visit. Departed U.S. June 27; visited New York City. June 26, 1967
President Nicolae Ceausescu Romania Attended White House dinner on 25th Anniversary of the U.N; official visit to Washington, October 26-28. October 24, 1970
President Nicolae Ceausescu Romania Official visit. Afterwards visited Wilmington (N.C.), Cleveland, Hartford (Conn.), and New York City. Departed U.S. December 7. December 3-​6, 1973
President Nicolae Ceausescu Romania State visit. Afterwards visited Chattanooga, Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, and New York City. Departed U.S. April 17. April 11-​14, 1978
President Ion Iliescu Romania Attended dedication of the Holocaust Memorial Museum and met with President Clinton on April 21. April 19-​23, 1993
President Ion Iliescu Romania Working visit. September 25-​29, 1995
President Emil Constantinescu Romania Official visit. Addressed a Joint Session of Congress. Afterwards visited Chicago and San Francisco. Departed the U.S. July 22. July 14-​17, 1998
President Emile Constantinescu Romania Attended NATO’s 50th Anniversary Summit. April 23-​25, 1999
Prime Minster Adrian Nastase Romania Met with President Bush November 1 during a private visit. October 29-​November 1, 2001
President Ion Iliescu Romania Working visit. October 27-​29, 2003
Prime Minister Adrian Nastase Romania Working visit. Attended NATO Accession ceremony. March 28-​29, 2004
Prime Minister Adrian Nastase Romania Working visit. July 18-​21, 2004
President Traian Basescu Romania Working visit. March 8-​9, 2005
President Traian Basescu Romania Working visit. July 26-​28, 2006