Visits By Foreign Leaders in 1998

Visitor From Description Date
President Lennart Meri Estonia Working visit. Signed U.S.-Baltic Charter of Partnership. January 14-​18, 1998
President Guntis Ulmanis Latvia Working visit. Signed U.S.-Baltic Charter of Partnership. January 14-​18, 1998
President Algirdas Brazauskas Lithuania Working Visit. Signed U.S.-Baltic Charter of Partnership. January 14-​18, 1998
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Israel Working visit. Discussed the Middle East peace process with President Clinton. January 19-​21, 1998
President Rexhep Medjani Albania Met with President Clinton during a private visit. February 3-​5, 1998
Prime Minister Tony Blair United Kingdom Official visit. February 4-​7, 1998
President Petar Stoyanov Bulgaria Working visit. Afterwards visited Norfolk, VA. February 9-​13, 1998
Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin Russia Working visit. March 9-​12, 1998
Prime Minister Chuan Likphai Thailand Official Working Visit. March 12-​14, 1998
King Hussein Jordan Private visit. Arrived in the U.S. March 12. March 16-​20, 1998
Prime Minister Bertie Ahern Ireland Private visit. Discussed the peace process in Northern Ireland. March 17, 1998
President Arpad Goncz Hungary Private visit. March 17-​18, 1998
President Fidel Ramos Philippines Working visit. April 8-​10, 1998
President Saparmurat Niyazov Turkmenistan Working visit. Arrived in the U.S. April 20. Also visited New York City and Chicago. Departed the U.S. April 24. April 21-​23, 1998
President Isaias Afwerki Eritrea Met with President Clinton during a private visit. April 25-​May 3, 1998
Prime Minister Romano Prodi Italy Official visit. May 5-​7, 1998
Emir Isa bin Sulman al-Khalifa Bahrain Working visit. May 31-​June 3, 1998
President Fernando Cardoso Brazil Met with President Clinton during a private visit. June 6-​8, 1998
President Kim Dae-jung Korea State Visit. Arrived in New York City June 6. Addressed joint Meeting of Congress June 10. Afterward visited San Francisco and Los Angeles. Departed the U.S. June 13. June 8-​11, 1998
President Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon Mexico Met with President Clinton during a U.N. General Assembly Special Session on the Drug Problem in New York City. June 8, 1998
President Leonel Fernandez Dominican Republic Met with President Clinton during a private visit. June 10, 1998
Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri Lebanon Met with President Clinton during a private visit. June 15-​18, 1998
King Hussein Jordan Met with President Clinton during a private visit. June 15-​16, 1998
Prime Minister Lionel Jospin France Working visit. Afterwards visited New York City. June 17-​19, 1998
President Mary McAleese Ireland Met with President Clinton during a private visit. June 22-​26, 1998
Prime Minister Branko Crvenkovski Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Met with Vice President Gore. June 29-​30, 1998
Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek Poland Met with President Clinton during a private visit. July 8-​10, 1998
President Emil Constantinescu Romania Official visit. Addressed a Joint Session of Congress. Afterwards visited Chicago and San Francisco. Departed the U.S. July 22. July 14-​17, 1998
President Julio Maria Sanguinetti Uruguay Working visit. July 23, 1998
President-elect Andres Pastrana Colombia Met with President Clinton during a private visit. August 1-​2, 1998
President Vaclav Havel Czech Republic State Visit. September 15-​18, 1998
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif Pakistan Met with President Clinton at the U.N. General Assembly in New York City. September 21, 1998
President Nelson Mandela South Africa Working visit. September 21-​23, 1998
Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi Japan Met with President Clinton at the U.N. General Assembly in New York City. September 22, 1998
Prime Minister Tony Blair United Kingdom Attended a forum on “Strengthening Democracy in the Global Economy” at New York University. September 22, 1998
Prime Minister Romano Prodi Italy Attended a forum on “Strengthening Democracy in the Global Economy” at New York University. September 22, 1998
President Petar Stoyanov Bulgaria Attended a forum on “Strengthening Democracy in the Global Economy” at New York University. September 22, 1998
President Pierre Buyoya Burundi Met with President Clinton during a private visit after the meeting of the U.N. General Assembly. September 23-​25, 1998
Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu Israel Working visit. Discussed the Middle East peace process with President Clinton and Palestinian Authority President Yasir Arafat. September 28-​29, 1998
Prime Minister Viktor Orban Hungary Working visit. October 5-​8, 1998
Chancellor-elect Gerhard Schroeder Germany Met with President Clinton during a private visit. October 8-​9, 1998
President Jamil Mahuad Ecuador Discussed the Ecuador-Peru border dispute with President Clinton during a private visit. October 9, 1998
President Alberto K. Fujimori Peru Discussed the Ecuador-Peru border dispute with President Clinton during a private visit. October 9, 1998
Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu Israel Discussed the Middle East peace process with President Clinton and Palestinian Authority President Yasir Arafat in Washington and at Wye Plantation, Maryland, Signed Wye River Memorandum at the White House on October 23. Private visit. October 15-​23, 1998
King Hussein Jordan Took part in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks at Wye Plantation, Maryland. October 20-​23, 1998
President Andres Pastrana Colombia State visit. October 27-​28, 1998
Prime Minister Janez Drnovsek Slovenia Working visit. Afterwards visited Cleveland, Ohio. November 2-​5, 1998
President Kuniwo Nakamura Palau Met with President Clinton at Agana, Guam. November 23, 1998
President Imata Kabua Marshall Islands Met with President Clinton at Agana, Guam. November 23, 1998
President Jacob Nena Micronesia Met with President Clinton at Agana, Guam. November 23, 1998
President Joaquim Chissano Mozambique Working visit. November 29-​December 1, 1998
Prime Minister Mohammed Nawaz Sharif Pakistan Official working visit. December 1, 1998
President Miguel Angel Rodriguez Costa Rica Attended conference on Central American reconstruction at the Inter-American Development Bank. Private visit with President Clinton December 11. December 9-​11, 1998
President Armando Calderon Sol El Salvador Attended conference on Central American reconstruction at the Inter-American Development Bank. Private visit with President Clinton December 11. December 9-​11, 1998
President Luis Alberto Flores Guatemala Attended conference on Central American reconstruction at the Inter-American Development Bank. Private visit with President Clinton December 11. December 9-​11, 1998
President Carlos Flores Honduras Attended conference on Central American reconstruction at the Inter-American Development Bank. Private visit with President Clinton December 11. December 9-​11, 1998
President Arnoldo Aleman Nicaragua Attended conference on Central American reconstruction at the Inter-American Development Bank. Private visit with President Clinton December 11. December 9-​11, 1998
Chancellor Viktor Klima Austria Attended U.S.-EU Summit Meeting. Private visit with President Clinton. December 18, 1998