Visits By Foreign Leaders in 1944

Visitor From Description Date
President Lopez Colombia Signed the UN Declaration. Arrived in U.S. November 26, to obtain medical treatment for his wife at Mayo Clinic, Rochester (Minnesota). Visited New York City. January 17, 1944
President Medina Venezuela Guest of U.S. Government. Addressed U.S. Congress January 20. Afterwards visited Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), New York City, New Orleans (Louisiana), and Miami (Florida). Departed U.S. February 5. January 19-​24, 1944
Prime Minister Fraser New Zealand En route to London for conference of British Commonwealth Prime Ministers. Attended opening session of the International Labor Organization in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), April 20. Afterwards visited New York City. April 14-​22, 1944
Prime Minister Curtin Australia Guest of U.S. Government en route to London for a conference of British Commonwealth Prime Ministers. Arrived in U.S. April 19. Revisited U.S. June 2-6 on return. April 23-​29, 1944
President-elect Picado Costa Rica Visited Washington as guest of U.S. Government. April 25-​27, 1944
Prime Minister Mikolajczyk Poland (government-in-exile) Courtesy visit. Discussed Polish-Soviet relations with President Roosevelt. June 5-​14, 1944
President Bjornsson Iceland Guest of U.S. Government. In U.S. August 19-29. Visited New York City. August 24-​27, 1944
President-elect Grau San Martin Cuba Afterwards visited New York City. Departed U.S. September 8. August 30-​September 3, 1944
Prime Minister Churchill United Kingdom Met with President Roosevelt at Hyde Park (New York) after the Second Quebec Conference. September 17-​19, 1944