Visits By Foreign Leaders in 1940

Visitor From Description Date
President-elect Calderon Guardia Costa Rica In U.S. March 24-April 13, visited New York City, Chicago, Boston and Worcester (Massachusetts). March 25-​28, 1940
Prime Minister Mackenzie King Canada Met with President Roosevelt at Warm Springs (Georgia), April 23-24. Afterward visited Williamsburg (Virginia). Met with the President in Washington, April 27-29. April 23-​29, 1940
Prime Minister Mackenzie King Canada Discussed problems of mutual defense with President Roosevelt at Ogdensburg (New York). August 17, 1940
Governor General Earl of Athlone Canada Courtesy visit at Hyde Park (New York). October 19-​21, 1940
Grand Duchess Charlotte Luxembourg Informal meeting at Hyde Park (New York). October 20, 1940