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Eliminate ovarian cancer


To support research to detect, diagnose, prevent, and control ovarian cancer

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month - help raise awareness of the risks, signs, and symptoms of disease by wearing teal!

Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death among gynecological cancers each year. This year, approximately 22,280 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the United States, and an estimated 15,500 of them will die from the disease. Epithelial ovarian cancer accounts for about 90% of ovarian cancers, making it the most common type. DO YOU KNOW WORLDWIDE STATISTICS?

Women are often diagnosed with advanced stage disease, as it is frequently without overt or specific symptoms until late in its development. DO YOU KNOW SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS?

The most important risk for ovarian cancer is a strong family history of ovarian or breast cancer. DO YOU KNOW THE RISKS?

Relative survival varies by age, and by stage of disease. DO YOU KNOW ABOUT RELATIVE SURVIVAL?

Research aimed at developing better detection and diagnostic methods as well as novel treatments, may yield significant improvement in patient prognosis. DO YOU KNOW YOU HAVE A VOICE IN THE DOD OCRP?

Ovarian Cancer Research Funding Directory Image

Ovarian Cancer Research Funding Directory

Congressional Appropriations

Congressional Appropriations

  • $180.45 million in FY97-11
  • $16 million in FY12
Funding Summary

Funding Summary