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Picture of Bill Drummondt

Deputy Administrator

Bill Drummond

Bill Drummond
Deputy Administrator
Bonneville Power Administration
905 N.E. 11th Avenue
Portland, OR 97232

Bill Drummond was named BPA’s deputy administrator in October 2011. In addition to his responsibilities as deputy, he oversees the agency’s Compliance and Governance, Risk Management, Internal Audit, Public Affairs, Finance, Corporate Strategy and General Counsel.

Before joining BPA, Drummond was manager of the Western Montana Electric Generating and Transmission Cooperative in Missoula, Mont., for 17 years. From 1988-94, he led the Public Power Council, an association of all Northwest publicly owned utilities.

During his 30 years in the energy industry, Drummond has been a leader on many regional task forces and committees, including the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Northwest Wind Integration Forum and Northwest Energy Efficiency Task Force. Nationally, he has served on committees of the American Public Power Association and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.

Drummond has degrees in forestry from the University of Montana and economics from the University of Arizona. In addition to his roles in the Northwest power industry, he is an active volunteer for Planned Parenthood.

Drummond and his wife, Elizabeth, have two grown sons and live in Portland, Ore.

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