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TABLE 1. U.S. International Merchandise Trade, 1990-2008

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Year Current, billions of $ Real, billions of chained 2000 $
Total Exports Imports Exports as % of total Total Exports Imports Exports as % of total
1990 888 393 495 44.2 837 367 470 43.9
1991 909 422 487 46.4 862 393 469 45.5
1992 981 448 533 45.7 935 422 513 45.1
1993 1,045 465 581 44.5 1,000 436 565 43.5
1994 1,176 513 663 43.6 1,118 478 640 42.8
1995 1,328 585 744 44.0 1,232 534 698 43.4
1996 1,420 625 795 44.0 1,344 581 763 43.2
1997 1,559 689 870 44.2 1,537 665 873 43.2
1998 1,594 682 912 42.8 1,654 679 974 41.1
1999 1,720 696 1,025 40.4 1,800 705 1,095 39.2
2000 2,000 782 1,218 39.1 2,028 784 1,244 38.7
2001 1,870 729 1,141 39.0 1,940 736 1,204 37.9
2002 1,854 693 1,161 37.4 1,955 707 1,248 36.2
2003 1,982 725 1,257 36.6 2,029 720 1,309 35.5
2004 2,285 815 1,470 35.7 2,241 784 1,457 35.0
2005 2,575 901 1,673 35.0 2,401 845 1,556 35.2
2006 2,880 1,026 1,854 35.6 2,578 929 1,649 36.0
2007 3,105 1,148 1,957 37.0 2,676 999 1,678 37.3
2008 3,391 1,287 2,104 38.0 2,665 1,057 1,608 39.7
Percent change, 1990-2008 281.8 227.6 324.7 NA 218.5 187.9 242.4 NA
Average annual growth rate, 1990-2008 7.7 6.8 8.4 NA 6.6 6.0 7.1 NA

NOTE: The relative proportion of exports to total merchandise trade varies in current and real terms because of variations in the price indexes used in adjusting exports and imports for inflation. NA = Not applicable.

SOURCES: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, based on data from: Current-U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. International Transactions Accounts Data, available at as of Sept. 24, 2009. Real-U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts, available at as of May 20, 2009.

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