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yellow ball    HWD/RADAR Summary
yellow ball   Volcanic Eruptions
 yellow ball    Significant Weather (SIGWX)
Canadian Graphical Area Forecasts
Clouds and Wx Ice and Turb

Wind and Temperature
A 65N-50S 120W-25W (Americas)
B1 50N-40S 125W-25E (AMERS-AFR)
C 76N-45S 65E-31W (Europe-Africa)
D 65N-28S 133E-15W (Asia)
E 45N-47S 180E-24E (Asia-Australia)
F 45N-45S 105E-100W (Pacific)
G Centered on 75E (Asia)
H Centered on 45W (North Atlantic)
I Centered on 155W (North Pacific)
J Centered on 142W (South Pole)
M 70N-10S 100E-110W (Pacific)

gray ball Aerodrome Forecasts (TAF)
gray ball Aerodrome Reports (METAR & SPECI)
gray ball SIGMETs(International Destinations)
gray ball SIGMETs(Oceanic FIRs)
gray ball SIGMETs(United States)
gray ball Miscellaneous Area Forecasts
gray ball U.S. Domestic AIRMETs
gray ball Tropical Cyclone Forecasts
gray ball Volcanic Eruptions

red ball Document Catalog (html / pdf)
red ball Current Conditions