About CASL


CASL is implementing an organization management strategy distinguished by collaboration, central leadership, and multi-disciplinary teams executing a single milestone-driven plan and integrated co-dependent projects.  Major features include:

  • Central integrated management Senior Leadership Team working from a single location at Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL).
    • Director with full line authority and accountability for all aspects of CASL
    • Chief scientist to drive science-based elements
    • Deputy director to drive application elements
    • Chief Strategy Officer to drive advanced and future applications, regulatory elements, and strategic scope extensions
  • Technical Focus Area leads and deputies with responsibility for the core elements and integration.
  • Strong science, engineering, applications, and design leadership.
  • A commitment to a virtual one-roof approach and widespread implementation of state-of-the-art collaboration technology.
  • Well-informed and timely decision-making and program integration.
  • Independent oversight and review via an external board of directors and two advisory councils, each designed to provide the best possible independent, scientific, program management, and industrial advice. The board advises on annual performance goals, projects, and strategic plans.
  • A robust technology transfer and partnerships office to ensure efficient, widespread industrial engagement and coordinated management of intellectual property, ensuring that CASL discoveries and the virtual reactor will be translated to commercial applications.