Getting a Handle on Federal Information:
Persistent Identification Using HANDLES®

A CENDI Sponsored Symposium
Hosted by the National Library of Medicine
Lister Hill Auditorium, Building 38A

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Persistent digital identifiers are key to the integration of, access to, and long-term preservation of digital information. These identifiers are permanently assigned to the digital object and are retained, even if the physical location of the object changes. This system, which was originally funded through federal contracts, is the basis for commercial publishing approaches such as the Digital Object Identifier and CrossRef. This workshop focused on traditional and non-traditional uses.

Federal implementers of Handles will discussed their applications. They also discussed Handles as a component of an infrastructure for federal digital information management, integration and preservation.

Speakers presentations (PowerPoint files) are available from the Program. Speaker biographical sketches are also available.

Program       Biographical Sketches