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North American Transportation Statistics Online Database Quick Stats: 2011 Highlights

by Sean Jahanmir


The North American Transportation Statistics Online Database (NATS-OD) provides public access to relevant, timely, and comparable transportation indicators for North America. The NATS-OD is a product of the NATS Interchange, a trilateral initiative among the transportation and statistical agencies of Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

Major objectives of the NATS-OD trilateral working group are to:

  1. identify key information that will help provide a comprehensive view of transportation in North America;
  2. exhibit transportation activities among Canada, the United States, and Mexico;
  3. highlight differences of data comparability among countries;
  4. identify data and information gaps; and
  5. begin discussions for reducing comparability differences and data gaps through cooperative activities.

The NATS-OD includes data on the following subjects: demographics, transportation's impact on the economy, transportation safety, transportation energy and the environment, domestic and international freight activity, domestic and international passenger travel, transportation infrastructure, and vehicle characteristics.

The database serves as a valuable resource for the public, transportation professionals, researchers, and policymakers interested in comparable trends among Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The NATS-OD improves users' ability to understand changes in transportation markets, evaluate the benefits and impacts of transportation, and support the decision-making of public and private sector entities. Data are annotated with detailed sources and methodology.

Information presented here is a snapshot of available data. For full time-series data including technical notes and sources, visit the NATS-OD at Information is presented in English, French, and Spanish.

Transportation Energy Consumption: All Modes

Trillion BTUs

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Transportation Energy Consumption: All Modes

U = Data are unavailable

Notes: 1 Trillion BTU = 8,007,406 gallons of gasoline. 

The U.S. share is larger due to greater per capita economic output. 

Number of Transportation Vehicles for All Modes in 2009 (millions): United States: 802,563,989, Canada: 63,579,763, Mexico: 83,553,116

North American Merchandise Trade by Mode

(Millions of current U.S. dollars, 2010 data)

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  Canada  U.S. Mexico
Air $29,267 $45,083 $13,527
Water $27,304 $81,235 $57,173
Road $298,832 $556,884 $264,704
Rail $87,151 $131,228 $53,822

Transportation Fatalities by Mode: 2010

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  Canada U.S. Mexico
Air 61 469 0
Road U 32,885 11,584
Pipeline 0 22 U
Rail 81 725 21
Transit N 279 U
Maritime 17 744 10

N = Data do not exist; U = Data are unavailable

2010 Fuel Efficiency of New Vehicles (MPG)

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  Canada U.S. Mexico
New Passenger Cars      
Goal 27.3 27.5 N
Fleet Average  34.6 33.9 14.7
New Light-Duty Trucks      
Goal 23.5 23.5 N
Fleet Average  27.8 25.2 10.4

Note: Mexico data are for 2007, the latest year available

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