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STAND-TO! Edition: Thursday, September 27, 2012

Today's Focus:

Georgia 2012 Foreign Consequence Management Exercise

Senior Leaders are Saying

"Suicide is an enemy we have yet to defeat. Our ultimate goal is to change mindset across the force, build resilience, strengthen life-coping skills and address the stigma associated with asking for help. We've got a long ways to go, but we're going to get there."

- Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond F. Chandler III, on the eve of the Army-wide suicide stand down scheduled for today, Sept. 27, 2012.

SMA on suicide: 'It's okay to seek help'

What They're Saying

"My alcoholism was a direct result of suppressing multiple things. [I was] drinking because I couldn't sleep, drinking to numb feelings that I had, drinking because I couldn't seek help and drinking because I wasn't handling my workload. It was a snowball effect."

- Capt. Jeff T. Jones, former Fresno Recruiting company commander

Company commander saves career, marriage by asking for help


150 Years: The Battle of Gettysburg: The American Civil War


National Preparedness Month: STAND-TO!
Suicide Prevention Month: STAND-TO!
and related site
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Today's Focus

Georgia 2012 Foreign Consequence Management Exercise

What is it?

Georgia 2012 is a NATO Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Center (EADRCC) Foreign Consequence Management exercise in Tbilisi, Georgia from Sept. 22-28. The EADRCC is NATO's principal civil emergency response mechanism in the Euro-Atlantic area, and involves NATO's 28 allies and 22 partner countries in a clearinghouse system that coordinates requests and offers of assistance, primarily in response to natural and man-made disasters.

The annual EADRCC exercise brings together a host of NATO and partner countries, including the Republic of Georgia, Lithuania, Germany, France, Estonia, the Netherlands, Hungary, Serbia and Romania. The NATO-led, joint, interagency, intergovernmental and multinational command post and field training exercise trains and exercises procedures for the Local Emergency Management Authority, the UN model On-site Operation Coordination Centre, liaison officers and participating consequence management teams.

What has the Army done?

As part of U.S. Army Europe's 21st Theater Sustainment Command-Joint Task Force Foreign Consequence Management, the 7th Civil Support Command (CSC) headquarters Incident Management Team and the 773rd Civil Support Team will participate in Georgia 2012. The 7th CSC will support exercise objectives in executing Georgia 2012 to familiarize and assess 7th CSC staff and down trace units with FCM plans, policies and procedures.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future?

USAREUR commander Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling has noted that the U.S. European Command's strategy of theater security cooperation -training and exercising with allied and partner military forces and engaging with military and political leaders - is bearing significant results.

Georgia 2012 is the latest example of USAREUR supporting the EUCOM strategy, and one component of a growing regimen of innovative programs designed to help our allies and partners in Europe in times of need while also building partnerships for regional and global security.

Why is this important to the Army?

USAREUR is committed to a joint, interagency, intergovernmental, multinational approach to prevailing in war and preventing future conflict. USAREUR prepares to assist our partner forces for operations while preserving those forces for future contingencies. Exercises such as Georgia 2012 develop those relationships that enable the U.S. Army to operate in combined operations with America's most consistent and dependable allies.

Engagements such as these train and exercise the procedures and capabilities of our European partners' local emergency management authorities, increase the effectiveness of operations and help to ensure regional stability and security. The U.S. Army's participation in Georgia 2012 increases cooperation and collaboration with land force partners in Europe, enhances mutual understanding and demonstrates USAREUR's commitment to strengthening relationships with NATO and partner nations across the continent.


NATO Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre
GEORGIA 2012 Exercise Site
7th Civil Support Command
U.S. Army Europe


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Page last updated Thu September 27th, 2012 at 08:21