Selected Science Team Proposals - FY 1997

  • Dr. Thomas Ackerman, Pennsylvania State University: "Retrieval of Cloud Fraction and Type Using Broadband Diffuse and Total Shortwave Irradiance Measurements"
  • Dr. Thomas Ackerman, Pennsylvania State University: "Retrieval of Cloud Properties and Direct Testing of Cloud and Radiation Parameterizations Using ARM Observations"
  • Dr. Bruce Albrecht, University of Miami: "Retrieval of Cloud Properties and Direct Testing of Cloud Radiation Parameterizations Using ARM Observations"
  • Dr. Robert F. Cahalan, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: "Landsat Observations in Support of ARM"
  • Dr. Robert Cess, State University of New York: "Science Team Participation in the Atmospheric Radiation Measurements (ARM) Program"
  • Dr. Catherine C. Chuang, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: "Cloud/Aerosol Parameterizations: Application and Improvement of General Circulation Models"
  • Dr. Shepard A. Clough, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc.: "Implications of Improved Radiative Transfer Modeling for Climate Studies"
  • Dr. Richard L. Coulter, Argonne National Laboratory: "Surface Energy Budget Estimates Over ARM CART Sites"
  • Dr. Judith A. Curry, University of Colorado: "A Coordinated Effort to Improve Parameterization of High-Latitude Cloud and Radiation Processes"
  • Dr. Anthony D. Del Genio, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: "ARM Analysis of Optical Thickness Feedbacks for Low Clouds and Cumulus Anvil Clouds"
  • Dr. J. Christopher Doran, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: "The Effects of Surface Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes on Single Column Model Performance at the Southern Great Plains Cloud and Radiation Testbed"
  • Dr. Robert G. Ellingson, University of Maryland: "A Study of Longwave Radiation Codes for Climate Studies: Validation with ARM Observations and Tests in General Circulation Models"
  • Dr. A. Shelby Frisch, NOAA/ETL: "Retrieving Stratocumulus and Altocumulus Cloud Parameters from Cloud Radar and Microwave Radiometer at the CART Sites"
  • Dr. Qiang Fu, Dalhousie University: "Development and Testing of a Short-Wave Radiation Model for Interpreting ARM Data"
  • Dr. Catherine Gautier, University of California, Santa Barbara: "Inhomogeneous Cloud and Surface Effects on 3-D Radiation Field in the Atmosphere"
  • Dr. William M. Gray, Colorado State University: "Day-Night Radiative Forcing in Tropospheric Observations and Numerical Climate Simulations"
  • Dr. Steven K. Krueger, University of Utah: "Development and Testing of a Life Cycle Model and a Parameterization of Low- and Mid-Level Stratiform Clouds"
  • Dr. Andrew A. Lacis, NASA/GISS: "Analysis of Cloud Radiative Forcing and Feedbacking a Climate GCM"
  • Dr. Zhanqing Li, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing: "Remote Sensing and Understanding the Role of Cloud and Aerosol on Solar Radiation Budgets"
  • Dr. James C. Liljegren, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: "Improved Measurements and Analysis of the Integrated Liquid Water Content of Clouds"
  • Dr. Brooks E. Martner, NOAA/ETL: "Comprehensive Plan to Optimize Scientific Performance of the CART Cloud Radars"
  • Dr. Robert E. McIntosh, University of Massachusetts: "Determination of Liquid and Ice Water Content in Clouds Using Multiparameter Millimeter-wave Radars"
  • Dr. S. H. Melfi, University of Maryland: "Scanning Raman Lidar to Measure Water Vapor and Aerosols for the Study of Atmospheric Radiative Transfer in the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program"
  • Dr. Joseph Michalsky, Jr., State University of New York: "Spectral and Broadband Rotating Shadowband Shortwave Radiometry and Analysis"
  • Dr. Patrick Minnis, NASA Langley Research Center: "Development of Improved Techniques for Satellite Remote Sensing of Clouds and Radiation Using ARM Data"
  • Dr. David L. Mitchell, Desert Research Institute: "A New Treatment of Cirrus Radiative Properties: Testing with Field and Laboratory Measurements"
  • Dr. David B. Parsons, NCAR: "Refinement, Testing, and Application of an Integrated Data Assimilation/Sounding System (IDASS) in Support of the DOE ARM Experimental Program"
  • Dr. Joyce Penner, University of Michigan: "Cloud/Aerosol Parameterizations: Application and Improvement of General Circulation Models"
  • Dr. Michael R. Poellot, University of North Dakota: "Analysis of In Situ Cloud Microphysical Measurements from the ARM Remote Cloud Sensing IOP"
  • Dr. V. Ramanathan, Scripps Institute of Oceanography: "Cloud-Radiation Interaction Studies and GCM Cloud Parameterization with ARM Data"
  • Dr. Henry E. Revercomb, University of Wisconsin-Madison: "High Spectral Resolution FTIR Observations for the ARM Program: Continued Technique Development, Data Evaluation and Analysis"
  • Dr. Kenneth Sassen, University of Utah: "Improving Cloud Remote Sensing CART Data Products and GCM Parameterizations"
  • Dr. Stephen E. Schwartz, Brookhaven National Laboratory: "Cloud Albedo Perturbations on Climate"
  • Dr. Richard Somerville, University of California, San Diego: "Single-Column Modeling, GCM Parameterizations, and ARM Data"
  • Dr. James Spinhirne, NASA/GSFC: "Aerosol and Cloud Radiometric Parameter Retrieval and Analysis Employing Continuous Operation Lidar Data"
  • Dr. Graeme L. Stephens, Colorado State University: "An ARM Spectrally Scanning Radiometer (ASSR) for Measuring Solar Fluxes and Radiances"
  • Dr. Graeme L. Stephens, Colorado State University: "Refinement, Validation and Application of Cloud-Radiation Parameterization in a GCM"
  • Dr. Georgii A. Titov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics: "Simulation of Radiative Transfer in Stochastic Clouds"
  • Dr. Wei-Chyung Wang, State University of New York: "Treatment of Cloud Radiative Effects in General Circulation Models"
  • Dr. Peter J. Webster, University of Colorado: "Interactions Between Tropical Clouds, Radiation, Atmospheric Dynamics, and SST"
  • Dr. Ed R. Westwater, University of Colorado/NOAA: "The Application of Kalman Filtering to Derive Water Vapor Profiles from Combined Ground-Based Sensors: Raman Lidar, Microwave Radiometers, GPS, and Radiosondes"