VAP : Line-By-Line Radiative Transfer Model (LBL)

Instrument Categories
Radiometric, Atmospheric Profiling

The Line-by-Line Radiative Transfer Model (LBLRTM) is a product of Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Incorporated (AER). The LBLRTM is based on the FASCODE line-by-line model, wherein the radiative transfer aspect of the code has been substantially rewritten to support operation on vector processing platforms. A radiance algorithm has been used to treat the vertically inhomogeneous atmospheres resulting in substantially improved accuracy, and the model is directly applicable to longwave cooling rate calculations.

For more details, see

Output Products

  • lblch1flux : AERI: LBLRTM, channel 1 flux, run deck file
  • lblch2flux : AERI, line by line channel 2 flux, run deck file


  • Southern Great Plains (SGP)
    • Central Facility, Lamont, OK (C1)