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Bahrain activist gets prison time for tweets
Friday, November 2, 2012, 03:16 AM - Twitter, News Stories

Bahrain activist gets prison time for tweets

According to the Associated Press, an online activist charged with insulting the Bahrain king on Twitter has been sentenced to six months in prison. 

"Bahrain has been hit by unrest for nearly 21 months as the island’s Shiite Muslim majority seeks a greater political voice in the Sunni-ruled kingdom that hosts the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet," wrote the AP.

Full story here.

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My Army Life in Photos contest by Army MWR
Thursday, November 1, 2012, 06:50 PM - News Stories
Army MWR announced this week its first annual My Army Life in Photos Contest.

The Grand Prize includes a complete digital camera set, a $1,000 gift certificate and the photo to be featured in an Installation Management Command, Army MWR branded campaign.

Via U.S. Army MWR:

Beginning 1 November, right here on ArmyMWR.com, you can win great prizes by submitting your best photos of Army Life.

So start saving those snapshots from favorite MWR events, memorable homecomings and more!

Weekly winners will be awarded for submitting photos in the following categories:

Theme 1: Army Strong Families
Theme 2: HOOAH Homecomings
Theme 3: Vacation Fun
Theme 4: Patriotic Pets
Theme 5: MWR Moments

Participants may enter at any time during the promotion.

Simply submit photos that fit the week's theme and you will be entered to win!

Grand prize winner will be generated through a random drawing of all photo entries at the conclusion of the promotion.

More information about the photo contest here.

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News: Facebook Reverses, Allows SEALs' Post
Thursday, November 1, 2012, 03:17 PM - News Stories
Update: Facebook Reverses, Allows SEALs' Post Critical of Obama. UPDATE: Facebook Manager Andrew Noyes emailed the following to Breitbart News this morning: We wanted to follow up on the Special Operations Speaks PAC (SOS) article published on Breitbart.com last night. I assure you that removing the image was not an act of censorship on our part. This was an error and we apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused.  Over the weekend, Facebook took down a message by the Special Operations Speaks PAC (SOS) which highlighted the fact that Obama denied backup to the forces being overrun in Benghazi...

The battle for Maarat: Using social media to cut through the fog of war. Following Syria’s civil war is never easy. The old adage that the first casualty of war is the truth still applies, and such is the relentless brutality it is often difficult to even confirm when an incident took place. But we’ve been following the Syrian conflict through social media since the beginning, and have developed a number of methods of cutting through the fog of war to get a clearer picture of what’s taking place in the embattled state.  The recent battle for Maarat al-Numan was a case in point...
(Storyful Blog)

Old tricks, new target: cyber criminals scam soldiers.  No one earns their paycheck more than the men and women who defend our country. Scam artists are now using old tricks online on new targets; members of the American military.  "When you sign up for the military, it's a sign up for service, and pay is never mentioned as part of the good deal,” said U.S. Navy Adm. Robert Natter.  Natter spent 41 years in the Navy. From his start at the prestigious Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md, to consulting the Commander in Chief, he admits that the military pay is sufficient as long as thieves can't get a hold of it...

Learn about soldier through diary at Frank House. As part of the Saturday at the Frank House series, Sally Hale of Kearney will present her research on the Franklin Fox Diary.  The program, which is free and open to the public, will begin at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the Frank House on the University of Nebraska at Kearney West Campus.  Hale said Fox was a Union soldier in the Civil War, and he volunteered in Michigan.  “The Franklin Fox diary was discovered in the Frank House by archivist Rachael Downs,” Hale said. “I was then assigned the task of electronically preserving the document.”
(Kearney Hub)

Expanded Social Media for Army-Navy Game Presented by USAA.  The Army-Navy Game Presented By USAA, already the top football rivalry game in the country, will have an expanded presence on Social Media, leading up to and following the annual service academy matchup.  The Army-Navy Game, will take place at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia on Dec. 8 with kickoff set for 3 p.m.  Now, fans will have the opportunity to follow and participate in a host of new initiatives surrounding the event. Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube will all be utilized to showcase this rivalry in the weeks leading up to the game as well as on gameday itself...

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Bringing Home the Browns story tops 600K likes
Thursday, November 1, 2012, 02:50 PM - Facebook

Bringing Home the Browns story tops 600K likes

This is a heartwarming love story of Sean and Heather Brown. 

As reported by the Longview News-Journal, during Heather’s pregnancy — and Sean’s time of military service in Afghanistan — she slipped into a coma and baby John Brown was born by cesarean section.

People from all over the world are following their story on Facebook.

This week, their Facebook page passed 600,000 likes.

You can follow their story here.

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News: Pics of Hurricane Sandy, Fake or Real?
Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 03:12 AM - News Stories

News:  Photos of Hurricane Sandy, Fake or Real?

Fake Photos of Sandy Flood Social Media. No matter what part of the country you're in, it's nearly impossible not to be aware of the devastation and destruction that superstorm Sandy wrought as it pummeled the East Coast of the United States. In fact, with 24-hour news coverage, there are seemingly endless photos and videos being shared via social media. But not all the images -- nor the captions that accompany them -- are real...
(Yahoo! News)

Online daters, be warned! 1 in 10 profiles are scams, report reveals. In many cases, scammers will choose to use pictures of military personnel. After discovering that his headshot consistently showed in hoax dating profiles (thanks to a Google alert), Army Master Sgt. C.J. Grisham set up a personal blog for soldiers to report their photo being used on online dating sites.  “Over the past few years, I’ve seen these scammers use all kinds of photos removed from open Facebook pages, blogs, official military websites, and command pages,” he wrote in a blog post last month...

French army wives back pay protest: Facebook campaign to sort out salary chaos Software glitch leaves soldiers owed millions. Wives and partners of French soldiers, many of whom are serving in Afghanistan, launched their protest this month after a rally this year. Inspired by campaign on post-traumatic stress disorder by the wives and partners of US troops, the women posted photographs of themselves on social networks with messages written across their backs, many sceptical that computer software was purely to blame, fearing it was also down to the failings of a cash-strapped French state...

Defence disciplines 15 over Facebook slurs. The Defence Department has taken action against 15 members for posting offensive anti-Islamic comments on a Facebook page in response to violent protests in Sydney last month.  Defence said two people had been charged under the Defence Force Discipline Act and given formal reprimands.  Administrative action had been taken against another 13 who had been formally counselled.  Disciplinary action is continuing against one other member...
(The Sydney Morning Herald)

Is the military ready for zombies? Are our nation’s military and emergency personnel prepared for a zombie apocalypse?  We’ll find out on Halloween, as hordes of zombies attack a counterterrorism summit in California to be attended by Marines and Army and Navy personnel, along with police, firefighters and other first responders, the Associated Press reports...

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Tomb of the Unknown Soldier photo goes viral
Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 11:47 PM - Facebook

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier photo goes viral

Hurricane Sandy came and went here in Northern Virginia.

As the area hunkered down for the storm, soldiers with The Old Guard (3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment) kept guard over the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

A photo (pictured above) posted to the unit’s Facebook page quickly went viral after blogs and news agencies started reporting about the photo.

Via Facebook:

“Spc. Brett Hyde, Tomb Sentinel, 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), keeps guard over the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during Hurricane Sandy at Arlington National Cemetery, Va., Oct. 29, 2012. Hyde lives by the Sentinel's Creed which in part says “Through the years of diligence and praise and the discomfort of the elements, I will walk my tour in humble reverence to the best of my ability”. (U.S. Army Photo by Sgt. Jose A. Torres Jr.)”

As of today, the picture has been liked nearly 13,000 times, shared more than 14,000 times on Facebook, and has nearly 1,000 comments.

Source: This Ain’t Hell

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Aussie soldiers reprimanded for Facebook posts
Monday, October 29, 2012, 04:28 AM - News Stories
Soldiers reprimanded over violent, racist Facebook posts. Defence has reprimanded two military personnel and counselled 13 others over violent and racist comments posted on Facebook in the wake of last month's Islamic protests in Sydney.  The action, which has been welcomed by the Islamic Council of NSW, comes a month after a group of Australian soldiers from Townsville-based 3rd Brigade were caught joking on Facebook about using sniper rifles and machine guns on Muslim men who protested in Sydney on September 15.  ''Mate, what I would given to drop the legs on a MAG 58, slap on a 500 round belt, adopt a stable firing position in the middle of the street and lay waste to every single one of those cancerous f---s,'' one wrote...
(The Sydney Morning Herald)

Author of Book on Bin Laden Raid Says Tech, Social Media are Key Elements of Story. When history looks back on the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden, its primary focus will likely be on the American decision to send special forces into Pakistan to attack Bin Laden’s complex. As the first few books on the subject start to hit the shelves though, it is becoming clear that the role of tech and social media will be remembered as a prominent part of the story as well...

Project records tales of Illinois veterans of World War II and Korean War. The stories of more than a dozen Illinois veterans who fought in World War II and the Korean War will be preserved at the Library of Congress.  Court reporters, attorneys and others volunteered their time Friday to record the veterans' recollections at Lake County Circuit Court...
(The Republic)

Vietnamese-Americans try to save elders' stories. The knock came at night more than 30 years ago. Hugo Van, then a young man, had a chance to flee newly communist Vietnam and walk to freedom.  There were no guarantees, but Van didn’t hesitate to take the risk. With a few hundred dollars, he and his younger sister got a car ride to a Vietnamese village, then a boat to Cambodia and began the trek across barren land until they were caught by Cambodian soldiers...

The Gulf War, one sailors story.  I enlisted in the Navy on the 2/2/1990, I disscharged on 4/2/1992. When first told we were to go to the Persian Gulf, we knew that this could result in war action being taken. So we were sent home with instructions to make a will, tell no one and end any relationship that was not serious.  This I did with the only person in confidence being my father. I also ended a relationship I was currently in and returned to the ship to prepare it and us for the task ahead...
(Fraser Coast Chronicle)

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YouTube Video: Embedded with Syrian Army
Sunday, October 28, 2012, 06:37 PM - News Stories

YouTube Video: Embedded with the Syrian Army

Very few western journalists have been able to report from the frontlines of the Syrian war.

New York Times contributing reporter Janine Di Giovanni is one of those few journalists.

NYT has posted a video on YouTube with Di Giovanni showing some of the footage she's captured with government soldiers as well as an interview between her and Deputy Foreign Editor Michael Slackman.

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Military history tweets popular with users
Saturday, October 27, 2012, 04:51 AM - Twitter

Military history tweets popular with users

Military history is popular with Twitter users, especially when the Twitter account reports the events as if they were happening in real-time years and years later.

It’s been awhile since I’ve written about a military history Twitter feed, having come across only a handful in the last couple years, but many of those that are online, do well in terms of readership.

Take for example, @RealTimeWWII, which was launched in August 2011 and live tweets World War 2 events.  Today, @RealTimeWWII has over 260,000 followers on Twitter and nearly 8,000 Facebook Likes.

The newest military history feed making headlines is @1812now, which its author, Fernando Souza, is using Twitter to trace the events of 1812.

The feed not only covers the year’s military events, but other facts as well.

According to a story in Daily Dot, “Souza was inspired to start work on @1812now after discovering @RealtimeWWII, which tweets about events from World War II as closely as possible to the time in which they occurred 72 years prior. He thought that he could do a similar feed for 1812. It’s like Trivial Pursuit unfolding on Twitter.”

If you're interested in other military history feeds, I've put together a collection of accounts for you.

24-year old Alwyn Collinson is a former history student at Oxford University.  Alwyn launched a Twitter feed that reports World War II events as though they were happening in real-time, 72-years later.

A fictional Civil war newspaper reporter.  According to the bio, the National Park Service sponsors the Twitter feed so followers can experience events as they happen.   

Events as they happen two hundred years ago today.

The messages center on those who served on the home front of North Carolina during the Civil War, including the perspective of an escaped slave.

The Delaware Public Archives tweets entries taken from the diary of Delaware soldier Cyrus Forwood who fought during the Civil War.

The life of a World War I soldier who served in the British Army.

A Roman re-enactor commemorates the arrival of thousands of Roman soldiers invading Northern England nearly 2,000 years ago by tweeting.  The account still online, but hasn’t been active since July 2011.

If you’ve come across other Twitter feeds you’d like to share, please e-mail milblogging@gmail.com

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News: Teen blogger shot by Taliban recovering
Saturday, October 27, 2012, 04:47 AM - News Stories
Malala Yousufzai, Schoolgirl Blogger's Recovery A 'Miracle' Says Father Ziauddin. The father of shot teenager Malala Yousufzai has thanked hospital staff and members of the public for their help and support for his daughter.  Ziauddin Yousufzai said the decision for his daughter to be flown to the UK and treated at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham had been a "miracle" for him and his family...
(Huffington Post)

On Facebook, IDF illustrates Palestinian violence - with photo from Bahrain. On October 17, the Israeli military posted the above infographic on its Facebook page. The image includes a photograph of a young masked man holding a firebomb and featuring statistics regarding the number of firebomb attacks against Israelis in the West Bank since the start of 2012. The Israeli military urges Facebook users to share the image “because the mainstream media will not.”  In fact, the mainstream media did share this photo extensively – in its coverage of protests in Bahrain...
(+972 Magazine)

Stories From the War- Bringing Memories to Life . Every day we capture our lives in images. These digital snapshots tell us a great deal about ourselves, the people who surround us, and our environment. They provide context to a series of fleeting moments. The technology of today provides us the ability to capture an astonishing amount of imagery that often lays hidden on our computers, camera chips, or DVD’s. As our personal visual collections grow each year, they are eventually stored away- hidden in the dark reaches of our closets or lost within stacks of CD’s piled high in the corner of the room. This article is about uncovering one of those personal stories, and bringing it to life...
(CNN iReport)

World War II vets become living historians. WAUKEGAN — Diane Kumala Vojcanin and her siblings are no strangers to their father’s stories of World War II, but they wanted to ensure that Ray Kumala’s memories went beyond an oral tradition.  “My dad’s a great storyteller,” she said. “He’d either read us a book or he’d tell his three daughters a story — we heard his ‘good stories’ from the Navy.”
(Lake County News-Sun)

Author inspired by Langley Park men in the Great War.  A FATHER helping his son with his school history project on the First World War has ended up as a full-sized historical novel.  Eric Collinson, 65, was researching the Durham Light Infantry involvement in The Great War for his son’s project, but found himself absorbed in the story.  Mr Collinson said: "Five years later I was still doing it so I thought I’ve got enough information here to write a book"...
(From The Northern Echo)

What Tumblr can tell us about the future of media. If there was any doubt left that Tumblr is trying to become more of a mainstream media entity, albeit with its own odd twist, it was removed recently when the service hired bloggers to cover the Republican and Democratic national conventions in a kind of Tumblr-style stab at political journalism. But that’s just one side of the equation: while Tumblr is becoming more like the traditional media, many media outlets also seem to be working hard to become more like Tumblr — not only adopting the platform, but taking on a lot of its characteristics as well, including a fascination for animated GIFs and memes. You could argue about whether that’s good or bad for journalism, but there’s no question it is happening...

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War artist launches blog of handwritten stories
Friday, October 26, 2012, 02:42 AM - Afghanistan Military Bloggers

War Artist launches blog of handwritten stories

I received an email from multi media artist Derek Eland yesterday, advising me that he has launched a blog called "In Our Own Words".

Eland writes, "Hi, I'm a British artist who spent a month in Afghanistan in 2011 as an official war artist. I set up 'Diary Rooms' on the front line and asked soldiers to write a postcard about their experiences. I've now started a blog about my time in Afghanistan and am publishing one handwritten story a day for a year."

According to the blog the resulting exhibition called 'In Our Own Words' is on show at the Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum in Bournemouth until March 2013.

The first handwritten story was published on October 1, 2012 and reads:

I am that which others did not want to be,
I did what others did not want to do,
and went where others feared to go,
I have felt the blistering cold,
Stared death in the face,
and enjoyed only a moments love,

Even tho no one cares who i am or what I've done,
I can honestly say
I am proud of what i am!


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News: Confessions of a Military Spouse
Thursday, October 25, 2012, 04:07 AM - News Stories
Confessions Of A Military Spouse: At Times 'Incapacitated With Sadness'. In April 2011, a young Army wife posted a chilling comment on her blog that began, "If you are reading this, you should know that I'm dead."  The 27-year-old woman continued, "at least I hope I'm dead ... it would be awful to fail at your own suicide."  The woman reportedly received treatment and didn't kill herself, and her blog post helped put the spotlight on a serious issue: the mental health issues of military spouses...

Patch Wins 3 Awards for Military Reporting. Local Patch sites won 24 awards Tuesday night in the San Diego Press Club’s 39th annual Excellence in Journalism Awards. Camp Pendleton Patch won three awards...

WWII vet dies at age 93 after casting last ballot.  A World War II veteran who inspired many with his determination to vote even though he had end-stage liver cancer died Wednesday.  Frank Tanabe's daughter Barbara Tanabe said he died at her Honolulu home, where he has spent the past few weeks in hospice. He was 93.  Barbara Tanabe said she put the American flag up outside the home to mark the day for him and their family.  "He really liked it when I put out the flag," she said.  Hundreds of thousands of people saw a photo of Frank Tanabe filling out his absentee ballot with the help of his daughter last week, after his grandson posted the picture on the social media site Reddit...

Taking power through technology in the Arab Spring. The Internet can make that which is on the opposite end of the world seem very local. Yet this can both distort or amplify reality. For example, while the recent “Innocence of Muslims” video served as a catalyst for the dissatisfaction felt toward the lack of Western support toward the Arab world, the protests and riots would not have occurred without YouTube and Vimeo. The ways by which newer and older media come together can turn slander into reality, changing what counts as truth in today’s world...
(Al Jazeera English)

Ceremony to commemorate the arrival of FNDY Squad Engine 270. The Americans in Wartime Museum invites you to attend a special ceremony at 3 p.m. on Thursday, October 25, to commemorate the arrival of FNDY Squad Engine 270. The ceremony will be held at Sean T. Connaughton Community Plaza, 3 County Complex Court, Prince William, Virginia, near Prince William County’s 9-11 Memorial. The FDNY vehicle, which was on scene at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, will become part of the Museum’s permanent collection and will honor those who served and sacrificed on 9/11...
(Americans in Wartime Museum)

City courthouse dig tells Civil War story. Call it “Building X.”  What remains of it lay, buried and long forgotten until now, beside today’s Fredericksburg City Hall where a new courthouse will soon rise.  Now, thanks to intense scrutiny by archaeologists and local researchers in recent weeks, you can add this once-substantial row house to the casualties of the Battle of Fredericksburg...

Syria: activists mobilise to free jailed cartoonist. Cyber activists in Syria are campaigning for the release of jailed cartoonist Akram Raslan, who was reportedly arrested in the city of Hama on the 2nd October. Blogger “The Syrian” believes he was taken in for questioning over one of his recent anti Bashar al-Assad drawings. The cartoon illustrated one of the slogans used by pro-government militia the Shabiha, which would rather see the country put to fire and the sword than see the president leave office...

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Boy Scout sets out to record 1,000 vet stories
Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 03:23 AM - News Stories

Boy Scout sets out to record 1,000 vet stories

I first wrote about Kyle Miller back in early April 2012.

The teenager had set out on an ambitious plan, as part of his Eagle Scout Project, to capture in writing and record on tape the stories of 1,000 veterans.

At the time, he had captured four stories with 17 others in the pipeline.

Based on my latest count, he has over 2 dozen stories recorded according to Voices from the Front, a website he set up to help reach his goal with help from volunteers.

Yesterday, Kyle's story was one of the top stories on NBC.

Reporter Rehema Ellis writes:

“Kyle Miller hasn’t been around long enough to have much of his own history, but at 16, he’s deeply involved in the military history that others created.

When he was 12, Kyle, a Boy Scout, joined a group for World War II veterans. He was so fascinated by their stories that he became their archivist. Now he’s taken on an even bigger task to make certain their stories are around forever.”

If you'd like to help Kyle reach his goal, visit Voices from the Front to learn more.

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Facebook page setup to find missing soldier
Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 02:51 AM - Facebook

Facebook page setup to find missing soldier

Before I get started, I should say that Sgt. Robert Larson has been found safe and has returned home.

Army Times has the story about social media and how it has helped someone in the military.

Here are the highlights:

- Sgt. Robert Larson suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury

- Fort Jackson media relations officer Patrick Jones confirmed that Rob has a history of behavioral challenges associated with his injury

- Rob and his wife Pamela Larson met during a deployment to Iraq; she suffered a gunshot wound while serving in 2005 as a mechanic with the 54th Engineer Battalion in Ramadi, Iraq

- Sgt. Robert Larson went missing Oct. 6

- Pamela Larson set up a “Help Find Sgt. Robert Larson” Facebook page that she updated daily

- She chronicled every meeting with law enforcement and her husband’s chain of command, while thousands of followers sent in tips and expressed their support for her husband

- On Oct 15. Sgt. Larson returned home safely

- His cousin had found him camping out in a forest near his Minnesota hometown

- The “Help Find Sgt. Robert Larson” Facebook page had collected 11,831 “likes” as of press time, with some posts garnering more than 5,000 “likes” and upward of 800 comments.

- Though the tips sent in didn’t pan out, Pamela said she took comfort in knowing how many people are on her side

At the time of this story, the Facebook page has nearly 12,000 likes.

Full story here.

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Popular on Reddit: WWII Vet votes from deathbed
Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 03:42 AM - News Stories, Reddit

Popular on Reddit: WWII vet votes from deathbed

The photo of a 93-year old World War II veteran placing his last vote from his deathbed is wildly popular on Reddit this week.

The photo (seen above) was submitted 4 days ago and at the time of this story has reached nearly 600,000 views.

The following message accompanied the photo:

“My grandfather is proud of having voted in every single presidential election since he was awarded his citizenship in order to serve during WWII. Here he is, 93 years old and on his deathbed, with my aunt helping him fill out one last ballot.”

The Associated Press reports the picture is of Frank Tanabe getting help from his daughter Barbara Tanabe filling out his absentee ballot in Honolulu.

According to the AP, “Tanabe volunteered to join the Army from behind barbed wire at the Tule Lake internment camp in California. He was pulled out of college at the University of Washington and taken to the camp when President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered 110,000 Japanese-Americans detained and isolated after the start of the war with Japan.”

The thread on Reddit has over 700 comments posted.

The top comments on Imgur include, "True Patriotism", "That man is America. Amen." and "Thank you, Citizen."

For the full news story, go here.

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News: "Horses and bayonets" remarks go viral
Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 03:21 AM - News Stories
Internet goes wild over 'horses and bayonets' debate remarks. First, it was Big Bird. Then it was Binders full of women. And now, it's horses and bayonets.  In the first two presidential debates, Republican candidate Mitt Romney became the target of social media mockery based on his answers to debate questions. But in the third debate, it was President Obama's criticism of Romney's repeated call for more Navy ships that inspired the newest round of the Republican candidate's Twitter troubles... 

Legacy project tells veterans' stories. After dozens of interviews with veterans from World War II all the way through the current conflict in Afghanistan, Glenville State College's West Virginia Veterans' Legacy Project is now publishing those stories.  Next month, West Virginia Public Broadcasting will debut the project's hour-long documentary, "A Tradition of Service."  Project organizers also are readying a coffee table book that features photos and excerpts from interviews with veterans and are helping publish a memoir by World War II veteran Warren Matheny...
(Daily Mail)

Patch Blogs: An Inside Look at Afghanistan. Chris Day, a Rocklander who served two tours in Afghanistan with the U.S. Army, gives Patch readers insight into how the 11-year war jibes with the ongoing struggle for the White House.  Day—whose brother is currently deployed, and whose father works as a Rockland County legislator—lays out how President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney differ in their Afghanistan strategies.  And they don't differ much, according to Day...

Odierno Shares Views on Military’s Relationship With Media.  The biggest challenge in the relationship between the military and the media is working together in an uncertain environment in an age of instant communication, the Army’s chief of staff said here Oct. 19.  Gen. Ray Odierno shared his views on military-media relations in remarks and a question-and-answer session with about 60 journalists attending the 10th annual Military Reporters and Editors Conference.  “As we move forward, and as I look at what’s going on around the world, the ability to communicate instantaneously is only going to get faster and faster and faster, and the ability to report is going to get faster and faster and faster,” he said...
(Department of Defense)

Leicestershire PoW's astonishing story being made into a blockbuster film. A photograph of a Leicestershire prisoner of war confronting Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler convinced Hollywood producers to make the soldier's gripping story into a movie.  A-list actors are said to be queuing up to star in the film about Horace Greasley, a Second World War soldier who risked his life repeatedly for his German sweetheart, Rosa.  Horace, from Ibstock, was a private with the 2nd/5th Leicestershire Regiment when he was captured on May 25, 1940, during the British retreat to Dunkirk...
(This is Leicestershire)

Tranquil Eleven Point river echoes with stories from Civil War era. The Eleven Point River meanders through more than just nature’s beauty.  This spring-fed stream also traverses an area rich in history. On a recent canoe trip I have run my hand over rusted iron that was once a grist mill. I have floated along a tree-lined bank haunted with the memory of 40 immigrant families that settled there before the Civil War hoping for a tranquil, peaceful life close to nature. Tranquility wasn’t found. They disappeared from the land...
(Springfield News-Leader)

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New Arlington National Cemetery app
Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 03:07 AM
On October 22, 2012, the Arlington National Cemetery announced on its website that it released an application called “ANC Explorer” that enables family members and the public to find gravesites and explore Arlington’s rich history.

“ANC Explorer allows users to use a smart phone or common web browser to locate gravesites, events or other points of interest throughout the cemetery; generate front-and-back photos of a headstone or monument; and receive directions to these locations. This free app is now available on Arlington’s website, the iTunes store, and Google Play and is loaded on new kiosks in Arlington National Cemetery’s Visitors Center.”

For the full story, visit the official website of the Arlington National Cemetery.

To use or download the app, go here.

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WWI Digital Museum Project Seeking Stories
Monday, October 22, 2012, 03:42 AM - News Stories

WWI Digital Museum Project Seeking Stories

There definitely seems to be a trend towards preserving war history through digital means, especially when it comes to earlier wars like World War I and World War II.

According to a story in the Oxford Mail, road shows are being held across Europe to collect and digitize items for the ‘Europeana 1914-1918’ project.

The project is seeking photographs, letters, diaries, film or audio recordings along with family stories.

And the project is wasting no time digitizing the information and sharing it. 

The items they come across will be photographed or scanned and uploaded to the Europeana website on the very same day of the road show.

Here’s a look at some of the future collection days:

Banbury Museum, 3 November 2012, 10 am - 4.30 pm

Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus, 1-2 December 2012, 10 am - 5.30 pm

Flanders Fields Museum, December 2012

Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino, March 2013

If you have a story to share, you can visit the project’s website and add your story to the online collection in four easy steps.

You can explore the story collection here.

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News: Social Media Military Conference and more
Sunday, October 21, 2012, 11:15 PM - News Stories
Social Media within the Military and the Defence Sector Europe. The defence and the military communities in Europe are increasingly using social media to work with existing and new mission partners, both within the military and the civilian sphere, creating interactions between organisations, communities and individuals. This conference will showcase the latest best practices and how the military engages with external and internal audiences, and how this medium can offer greater reach and understanding in getting mission critical messages across. The event will also enable you to interact and network with key personnel from military units, government agencies and PR/Communications agencies alike...
(EIN News)

A Soldier's Story: Returning Home From Iraq. Army veteran Kevin Powers has written what some are calling the first great novel of the Iraq war. Here, Powers shares his own experiences as a returning soldier—and what he sees as the challenges facing this new generation of vets.  In the past decade, more than a million troops have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan, with many thousands more still to come. Kevin Powers is one of them.  For Powers, 32, who spent 13 months as a combat engineer in Iraq before returning to the States in 2005, "The question you always get is, 'What's it like over there?'" His searing debut novel, The Yellow Birds, tries to answer that question, by capturing the casual brutality and emotional isolation of the war as well as the disquietude of returning home when it no longer feels like home...

Military app saving lives. With an alarming number of soldiers and veterans committing suicide, the Pentagon is hoping that smart-phone technology can help reverse that trend.  For thousands of soldiers coming home from war – smart phones are serving as a literal life-line to therapy and rehabilitation. A new military app developed by the Department of Defense is helping soldiers recover from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It’s all part of an emerging trend where technology is being used to reduce the stresses in post-combat issues...
(Fox News)

Twitter Gives Saudi Arabia a Revolution of Its Own. RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabia did not have an Arab Spring. But it has had a revolution of sorts.  Open criticism of this country’s royal family, once unheard-of, has become commonplace in recent months. Prominent judges and lawyers issue fierce public broadsides about large-scale government corruption and social neglect. Women deride the clerics who limit their freedoms. Even the king has come under attack.  All this dissent is taking place on the same forum: Twitter.  Unlike other media, Twitter has allowed Saudis to cross social boundaries and address delicate subjects collectively and in real time, via shared subject headings like “Saudi Corruption” and “Political Prisoners,” known in Twitter as hashtags...
(The New York Times)

'War Stores' to be performed at NY State Military Museum; public reading of college project. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. — War stories originally submitted as part of a college course will be read during a free public event this week at the New York State Military Museum.  The state Division of Military and Naval Affairs says six experienced actors will be at the museum in Saratoga Springs on Wednesday to read the stories, which were part of a State University of New York Empire State College course called, "War Stories: Reading and Writing About the Impact of War."
(The Republic)

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Proud to Be Veterans Anthology Arrives Nov 1
Saturday, October 20, 2012, 11:46 PM
Hat tip to Charlie Sherpa of Red Bull Rising for spotting this story.

“The poetry and prose of more than 50 military veterans will be featured in an anthology titled "Proud to Be: Writing by American Warriors" to be released Nov. 1, 2012 by the Southeast Missouri State University Press.

The project was undertaken with assistance from the Missouri Humanities Council (M.H.C.) and the Warriors Arts Alliance, the latter a non-profit organization dedicated to building communication and understanding between veterans, families, and communities through creative writing and visual arts.

Results from a concurrent contest resulted in $250 awards each in fiction, non-fiction, and poetry categories.

The contest and anthology were earlier attempted in 2011, under the heading of the "Missouri Warrior Writers Project."

More at Red Bull Rising.

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