Evaluating our Web Presence: Challenges, Metrics, Results

A CENDI Sponsored Symposium
Co-Sponsored by the National Library of Medicine
Auditorium -- Lister Hill Center
National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD 20894
Tuesday, April 17, 2001

Morning Program

8:00 am Registration
9:00 am Introduction and Welcoming Remarks

Kent Smith, NLM Deputy Director and CENDI Chairman
Symposium Overview
Elliot R. Siegel, NLM Associate Director and Symposium Moderator

9:30 am

Keynote: Donald A.B. Lindberg, NLM Director

10:00 am A Strategic Approach to Web Evaluation
  Fred Wood, Special Expert, NLM, and Chair, CENDI Task Group on Web Metrics and Evaluation
10:30 am Break
10:45 am Online Surveys for Web Evaluation: Research Methods for Understanding Your Audience
  Kevin Mabley, Vice President—Strategic & Analytical Services, CyberDialogue, Inc.
11:15 am Collecting and Analyzing Web Usage Data from User Panels

Kevin Garton, Vice President—Marketing, comScore Networks, Inc.

11:45 am Web Evaluation from a Corporate Perspective
  Bill Silberg, Vice President and Executive Editor, Medscape, Inc.
12:15 pm Lunch

Afternoon Program

1:30 pm Web Sites That Work: The Role of Evaluation at DTIC
  Carlynn Thompson, Director, R&D and Acquisition Information Support, Defense Technical Information Center, U.S. Department of Defense

2:00 pm

The Role of Usability Testing in Web Site Design: The National Biological Information Infrastructure's Experience
  Lisa Zolly, NBII Knowledge Manager, Center for Biological Informatics, U.S. Geological Survey
2:30 pm Consumer Health Information in Allegheny County, Pittsburgh, PA: An Environmental Scan
  Susan Elster, Consultant, University of Pittsburgh and Jewish Healthcare Foundation
3:00 pm Break
3:30 pm Panel Discussion: Web Evaluation--Lessons Learned, Future Directions
  Moderator: Fred Wood
Panelists: Susan Elster, Kevin Garton, Kevin Mabley, Bill Silberg, Carlynn Thompson, and Lisa Zolly
4:15 pm Concluding Remarks and Wrap-up
  Elliot R. Siegel, NLM Associate Director and Symposium Moderator
4:30 pm Adjourn

Overview Presentation Abstracts Participant Biographies

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