CENDI Workshops and Conferences

CENDI sponsors internal and external workshops that provide educational and networking opportunities for its members. Information about upcoming workshops and how to register will be posted to the Events page.

Following is a list of previous CENDI workshops by year. To find information about workshops under specific topics, visit our Interest Areas page.

Hot Topics in Big Data: What You Need to Know Now! A CENDI/NFAIS/FEDLINK co-sponsored workshop. Library of Congress. Agenda pending.
Repositories in Science & Technology: Preserving Access to the Record of Science. A CENDI/NFAIS/FLICC co-sponsored workshop. Library of Congress. Agenda with presentations and Bios are available.

Workshop 9 –Section 508 ~ Purchasing: Accessible Products & Services - Helen Chamberlain, GSA, Alexander Koudry, GSA, National Science Foundation. This session was a must for all personnel who purchased EIT products and services to include Federal/Military managers, supervisors, requiring officials, purchase card holders, and contracting officials. Attendees learned how Section 508 impacts the procurement process with regard to market research and requirements for EIT products and services as well as the legal responsibilities to comply with the law. The session provided an overview of how to develop compliant requirements for procurements, providing tools such as the Buy Accessible Wizard, and techniques and resources for conducting market research. Section 508 requires that all EIT “procured, maintained, used, or developed” by the Federal Government is accessible for people with disabilities. This affects everything from websites on your internet as well at your intranet, to video and multimedia products, software applications and operating systems, telecommunications, kiosks, hardware, desktop and portable computers and copiers and fax machines.

Workshop 8 - Section 508 Testing and Remediation: Application and Best Practices- Paul Lloyd, USDA, Nichshan Floyd, DHS, Library of Congress. This workshop focused on how to ensure access barriers to electronic information and technology are eliminated by testing products, software, applications and web content in advance to the Section 508 Standards. Mr. Floyd and Mr. Lloyd discussed testing methods, manual and automated testing tools, other available resources and share best practices for conducting Section 508 testing and remediating non-compliance. The presenters shared their experience, examples, test scripts and best practices that can easily be used by technical and non-technical staff alike to integrate and complete Section 508 compliance testing in the agency Section 508 plans.  Sponsored by CENDI, FLICC, FADGI, and special support from NSF.
Workshop 7 - Purchasing Section 508 Accessible Products and Services - Geoff Freed, Stafford II Room 555, National Science Foundation. This workshop discussed what constitutes multimedia/digital content. Mr. Freed shared practices for creating accessible multimedia/digital content, demonstrate and provide information about resources to help in creation of accessible content, and briefly discuss the digital libraries and e-book projects. Sponsored by CENDI, FLICC, FADGI, and special support from NSF.
Workshop 6 - Section 508 Policy, Requirements and Refresh - Bruce Bailey, The Mumford Room, Library of Congress. The American’s with Disabilities Act, Section 508 establishes requirements for electronic and information technology developed, maintained, procured or used by the Federal government. It requires these Federal systems to be available to people with disabilities including employees and members of the public. This presentation provided an introduction to Section 508, covering the key requirements of Section 508, and updated participants on the refresh of Section 508. March 08, 2011. Library of Congress Washington, DC. Sponsored by CENDI, FLICC, FADGI, and special support from NSF.
Workshop 5: Moving Image Archiving: Digitizing Present and Future - James Snyder, National Audio Visual Conservation Center, Library of Congress the key concepts and technologies pertaining to moving image preservation and digitization in libraries, archives, and museums, including the typical elements in the preservation and digitization of moving images, how to assess their condition, and relevant technologies and best practices. An overview of the conservation research underway at the National Audio Visual Conservation Center was included. December 2, 2010 Library of Congress Washington, DC. Sponsored by CENDI, FLICC, and FADGI.
Workshop 4: Audio: Digitizing for the Future - Dawn Frank, Carl Fleischhauer, and Jimi Jones from the Library of Congress covered the key concepts and technology pertaining to recorded sound preservation and digitization in libraries, archives, and museums. December 2, 2010 Library of Congress Washington, DC. Sponsored by CENDI, FLICC, and FADGI.
Mobile Computing: Delivering Content to the Research Community - A one-day workshop addressing the delivery of content to researchers and scholars around the world. November 18, 2010 National Archives, Washington, DC. Co-sponsored by CENDI and NFAIS and hosted by NARA.
Workshop 3: Before You Digitize, What are the Legal Issues? Presentations by Hope o'Keefe, Christopher Cole, and Bonnie Klein FADGI/Library of Congress, October 17, 2010, Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Co-sponsored by CENDI, FLICC, and FADGI.
Issues and Answers in Digitization workshop Series Workshop2: Evaluating Digitization and Digitization Equipment - presentation by Michael Stelmach, FADGI/Library of Congress ,August 16, 2010, Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Co-sponsored by CENDI, FLICC, and FADGI.
Open Source Software and Copyright: Legal and Business Considerations for Government Use - one day workshop sponsored by CENDI, the Law Library of Congress and the Federal Library and Information Center Committee July 26, 2010. Agenda with links to presentations
IWGGD/CENDI/EPA Scientific Data Management Workshop - A two day workshop sponsored by IWGGD/CENDI/EPA June 29-July 1at EPA Washington, DC to Provide a forum for S&T Agencies to share how they manage scientific data with respect to the key areas outlined in the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) report Harnessing the Power of Digital Data for Science and Society, 2009, and to build on the findings and recommendations of the NSTC report and work of other groups. Agenda with links to presentations. (Additional presentations to be posted as available)

Issues and Answers in Digitization Workshop Series, Workshop #1 - Digitization Deconstructed: A Survey and Census of Digital Repositories Being Built by Federal Libraries — presentation by Deborah Keller, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wednesday, June 9, 2010, Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Co-sponsored by CENDI, FLICC, and FADGI.
Abstract, with link to downloadable webcast of the presentation (.jar file, 195MB, requires Java runtime environment to open and run) and presentation file (.pdf)


The Semantic Web: Fact or Myth A One-Day Workshop Co-sponsored by CENDI, FLICC, and NFAIS, November 17, 2009, National Archives William G. McGowan Theatre, Washington, DC

Knowledge Organization Systems: Managing to the Future One-day Workshop sponsored by CENDI and the Networked Knowledge Organization Systems Working Group, October 22, 2009, National Agricultural Library * Reading Room * Beltsville, MD.


Making the Web Work for Science:  The Impact of e-Science and the Cyber-Infrastructure One-Day Workshop Co-sponsored by CENDI and NFAIS and Hosted by FLICC December 8, 2008 Library of Congress, Mumford Room, 101 Independence Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20540

New Dimensions in Knowledge Organization SystemsWorkshop sponsored by CENDI and the Networked Knowledge Organization Systems Working Group, September 11, 2008, Hosted by The World Bank

IPv6 Transition: Stretch Run to Success & BeyondSymposium jointly sponsored by CENDI, IEEE, and ITPro Magazine December 12, 2007, Washington, DC.
The Search Imperative! Its Changing Nature, Continuing Impact—Workshop November 14, 2007, Washington, DC, jointly sponsored by CENDI and NFAIS
Copyright & Marking Government Works: Why Keep The Public Guessing?—Workshop, November 2, 2006, Washington, DC

Visualization of Textual Information—Workshop, May 4, 2006, Washington DC

PDF in the Federal Government Environment—Workshop, April 6, 2006, Washington DC


PDF in the Government Environment: The Present and the Future Workshop hosted by NARA, May 17, 2005


Knowledge Organization Systems: Current and Future Uses Among CENDI AgenciesWorkshop hosted by EPA, September 2004

Web Page and Journal Archiving Systems: NLM's Experiences — Digital Preservation workshop hosted by NLM, September 2004

Beyond Intrusion Detection – Prevention & Protection — IT Security Workshop hosted by NLM, May 2004

Metadata for Digital Rights Management CENDI Copyright Working Group Meeting hosted by the Government Printing Office (GPO), March 2004


XML in Scientific and Technical Information Management: The Basics—CENDI Staff Workshop hosted by USDA, April 2003

Getting a Handle on Federal Information: Persistent Identification Using HANDLES®—CENDI-Sponsored Symposium hosted by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), January 2003


Business Continuation and Disaster Recovery A Joint CENDI/Federal Library and Information Center Committee (FLICC) Symposium, December 2002


Managing and Preserving Electronic Resources: The OAIS Reference Model—A Joint CENDI/Federal Library and Information Center Committee (FLICC) Symposium, December 2001

PKI and Digital Signatures: From E-Commerce to E-Information Management—CENDI-Sponsored Symposium hosted by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), June 2001

Evaluating Our Web Presence: Challenges, Metrics, Results—A Joint CENDI/NLM Symposium, April 2001


Reference/Citation Linking: The Federal Perspective—A Joint CENDI/FLICC Workshop, June 2000