
Reserve Affairs Badges & Widgets

Show your support by adding a Reserve Affairs badge or widget to your Website! Select the item you want below. You are permitted to use our badges and widgets on your Website given you agree to adhere to the *guidelines.

NOTICE: If you add the Reserve Affairs badge on your Website it must link to our homepage http://ra.defense.gov.

Reserve Affairs
Size: 170px X 70px
Format: JPEG
Reserve Affairs
Size: 150px X 148px
Format: JPEG
Reserve Affairs
Size: 200px X 196px
Format: JPEG

Reserve Affairs' items Go to Reserve Affairs' photostream

* Copy the code below to add our Flickr widget to your page:


* Copy the code below to add our Facebook widget to your page:

IMPORTANT: Use of these widgets does not imply endorsement of any site by the U.S. Defense Department or The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs. The presence of any information identifying private companies or other non-federal entities does not constitute an endorsement by The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs or the Department of Defense.


  1. You may only display the Web logo (badges) on your Website and not in any other manner. It must always be an active link to the Reserve Affairs homepage.
  2. The Web logo must appear by itself, with a minimum spacing (the height of the Web logo) between each side of the Web logo and other graphic or textual elements on your Web page.
  3. You may not alter the Web logo in any manner, including size, proportions, colors, elements, and so forth, or animate, morph, or otherwise distort its perspective or appearance.
  4. Your use may not be obscene or pornographic, and may not be disparaging, defamatory, or libelous to Reserve Affairs, any of its programs, or any other person or entity. You may not link to ra.defense.gov from a Website that is obscene or pornographic, or disparaging, defamatory, or libelous to Reserve Affairs or any of its programs.
  5. Your use may not directly or indirectly imply Reserve Affairs sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of your product or service.
  6. Your use may not violate any state or federal laws, and must comply with international IP laws.
  7. You agree that you will not file a trademark application anywhere that is identical to, contains or is confusingly similar to a Reserve Affairs trademark.
  8. You may link to, but may not replicate, Reserve Affairs content.
  9. You may not present false or misleading information about Reserve Affairs.
  10. These guidelines do not grant permission to use any other Reserve Affairs logos or trademarks. Reserve Affairs reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate or modify your permission to display the Web logo or widget at any time.

If your use meets the above criteria, no further written permission is required, and you may download the image or use the widgets with the code provided and may not be altered.

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