
Public Information Officer - Lynne Roeder, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Website Communications Manager - Rolanda Jundt, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Publications Manager - Dana Dupont, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Communications Specialist - Stacy Larsen, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

What We Do

The ARM communications team manages the quality of technical and public information developed to support the priorities and goals of the program, and also provides communications advice and expertise to Facility management. Essential communication objectives include:

  1. Promote awareness, understanding, and usage of the ARM Facility, including involvement in interagency and/or international field campaigns, and relay scientific results and successes to key audiences.
  2. Ensure prompt, comprehensive responses to inquiries and information requests from scientists, agency personnel, media, and the public.
  3. Facilitate access to information for both internal and external audiences through intuitive, modern online tools and strategies, and through traditional communications processes and products.