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Examples of AIRSIGMET Queries:

Constraint Type Parameter(s) Allowed Values Example(s) Description
Time Range startTime, endTime
  • start and end times in seconds since January 1, 1970 (Unix time)

  • Query is based on validTimeFrom and validTimeTo
startTime=1348812037& endTime=1348819237 obtain all AIRSIGMETs collected between these start and end times
Time Range startTime, endTime
  • start and end times in ISO 8601 date/time format

  • Query is based on validTimeFrom and validTimeTo
obtain all AIRSIGMETs collected between these start and end times
in ISO 8601 date/time format with UTC offset:
Please see W3C date/time formats.
Time Range startTime, endTime
  • start and end times in ISO 8601 date/time format

  • Query is based on validTimeFrom and validTimeTo
obtain all AIRSIGMETs collected between these start and end times
in ISO 8601 date/time format with UTC offset:


Due to differences in character encodings by various web
browsers, the + might get encoded to a whitespace.
To avoid this from occurring, use %2B in place of the +.
Please see W3C date/time formats.
Time Range hoursBeforeNow
  • any positive integer or floating point value

  • n = number of hours before current time

  • Query is based on validTimeFrom and validTimeTo
hoursBeforeNow=3 obtain all AIRSIGMETs collected in the last three hours
NOTE:The ADDS database retains only three days worth of data.

Constraint Type Parameter(s) Allowed Value(s) Example(s) Description
Most Recent mostRecent
  • true - get the single most recent AIRSIGMET, only one result is returned

  • The mostRecent request MUST be accompanied by a time range in the form of an hoursBeforeNow or startTime/endTime.

  • false - don't get the most recent AIRSIGMET, equivalent to omitting mostRecent parameter

  • MostRecent queries are based on receiptTimes, which are not exposed
only one AIRSIGMET is returned, the most recent of all the AIRSIGMETs in the database from 5 hours ago.
NOTE: The mostRecent constraint is applied after all other constraints have been applied to yield only one AIRSIGMET. This single AIRSIGMET corresponds to the most recent in the result set defined by the other constraints. Only one AIRSIGMET is returned.

Constraint Type Parameter(s) Allowed Values Example(s) Description
AltitudeRange minAltitudeFt, maxAltitudeFt
  • any integer value (in feet)
  • both a min and max altitude must be indicated
  • min and max can be in any order
maxAltitudeFt=40000& hoursBeforeNow=2
obtain all AIRSIGMETs whose min/max altitude range overlaps at all with the 10000 to 40000 feet range within the past two hours

Constraint Type Parameter(s) Allowed Values Example(s) Description
LonLatRect minLat, minLon, maxLat, maxLon
  • longitude and latititude in decimal degrees

  • -180<= lon <=180

  • -90<= lat <=90

  • Please refer to : latitude and longitude for a refresher on these ranges.

  • parameters can be listed in any order
minLat=25&minLon=-130& maxLat=65&maxLon=-40& hoursBeforeNow=3 obtain AIRSIGMETs collected within the last 3 hours for a rectangular region (bounding box) defined by the min and max lon and lat. If any portion of an AIRSIGMET region coincides with this rectangular region, then that AIRSIGMET is returned.
  • The LonLatRect constraint for AIRSIGMETS returns a result when the rectangle defined by the lat/lon points intersects with an AIRSIGMET area.
  • The LonLatRect constraint can accomodate situations where the bounding box crosses the International Date Line
  • The LonLatRect constraint does not support bounding boxes that cross the poles.

Constraint Type Parameter(s) Allowed Values Example(s) Description
Flight Path flightPath
  • maximum distance in statute miles

  • two or more way points

  • The way points may be selected by (lon,lat), station names, or a combination of (lon,lat) and station names.

  • lon, lat are delimited by a comma (,)

  • maximum distance MUST precede the way points

  • maximium distance and way points are delimited by a semicolon( ;)

  • time range:
    • use start, end times

    • use hoursBeforeNow

    • default (hoursBeforeNow=1)

flightPath=57.5; -104.65,39.83; -94.75,39.3 &hoursBeforeNow=3 obtain all AIRSIGMETS collected in the past 3 hours that intersect the flight path from Denver, CO to Kansas City, MO using a 57.5 statute mile maximum distance
Flight Path flightPath flightPath=57.5; -104.65,39.83; -94.75,39.3 same as above, except using the default time range of hoursBeforeNow=1
Flight Path flightPath flightPath=57.5; KDEN; -94.75,39.3 same as above, except using the default time range of hoursBeforeNow=1 and the station name for Denver.
Flight Path flightPath flightPath=57.5; -104.65,39.83; -97.5,27.77; -81.33,28.42 A flight path from Denver,Co to Corpus Cristi, Tx to Orlando, Fl using the default time range and a 57.5 statute mile maximum distance.
Flight path results are NOT currently sorted from origin to destination. This may be available in a future release.
The flight path constraint cannot accomodate the following situations:
  • flight paths that cross the poles

  • flight paths that cross the International Date Line.

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Page last modified: April 30, 2012


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