Chairman Dave Camp

Opinion Editorials

  • If Stimulus Bill is Working, Where Have the Jobs?

    August 19, 2009 - At the six month anniversary of President Barack Obama's signature “achievement” — the $787 billion stimulus measure — it's important to separate economic fact from fiction. While persuading Democratic lawmakers to pass the massive spending bill without reading it, the White House promised the stimu... More
  • Davis: Put health-care reform on hold

    August 4, 2009 - In this column, U.S. Rep. Geoff Davis, R-Hebron, says Congress needs to slow down on health-care reform because current proposals are greatly flawed. Following is the full text of that column. On July 31st, the House of Representatives adjourned for the August district work period without voting on ... More
  • Free trade could help lift us out of current economic mire

    June 25, 2009 - As lawmakers continue to debate solutions to revive our ailing economy, a pillar of recovery that must not be forgotten is the vital role free trade plays in growing our economy and creating jobs. With unemployment numbers continuing to rise, there is no better time than now to affirm our nation’s c... More
  • TARP shortchanges small business as banks hoard cash and don’t loan

    June 25, 2009 - On Oct. 3, 2008, the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) was signed into law. At $700 billion, this bank bailout was unprecedented. Perhaps more striking at the time, however, was the complete lack of meaningful guidelines, measurable benchmarks, and strings attached to the bailout money. In essenc... More
  • Beware of Democratic health care 'reform'

    June 21, 2009 - Health coverage today is out of reach for too many Americanfamilies. Approximately 182 million Americans currently receive some form ofemployer-sponsored health coverage. With so many people's health care at stake,Congress should ensure that any changes to our health care system do not jeopardizecov... More
  • Camp: Make Health Care Affordable

    June 17, 2009 - Americans want, deserve and demand health care reform. Wednesday, I and my Republican colleagues in the House of Representatives are unveiling common sense health care reforms that focus on increasing the affordability, accessibility and availability of quality health care. Our plan will lower costs... More
  • Boustany: Reform Lacks Transparency, Bipartisanship

    June 11, 2009 - As Washington debates health reform, many politicians seem to have forgotten what the whole debate is about — patients being able to get good care from their doctors at a reasonable price. Too often, people are denied access to the doctor of their choice, especially as fewer and fewer doctors accept... More
  • Boustany: Working Together for American Health Care

    June 4, 2009 - American families are struggling with skyrocketing health care costs as our national economy emerges from a recession.As a doctor and member of the House Republican Health Care Solutions Group, I have seen first hand American families and small businesses worried about rising costs and losing their ... More
  • Boustany: Controlling Costs is Top Priority

    March 25, 2009 - Americans want Congress to pass meaningful legislation to reduce health costs, improve access to needed care, expand coverage and shore up the unstable Medicare program. Controlling rising costs remains the top priority on the health reform agenda. Rising health costs make health insurance coverage... More
  • Heller: Congress Can't Tax Its Way Out of a Recession

    March 25, 2009 - Economic recovery is the one issue that should bring Democrats and Republicans together. Nationwide the unemployment rate is over 8 percent. My home state of Nevada has over 10 percent unemployment and leads the country in home foreclosures. Yet, as American families struggle, the administration an... More