
References submitted to the ARM publications database for the current month are listed below by the date in which they were submitted. For those dates where more than one reference has been submitted, only the lead authors and journal entries appear. For those dates when only one reference has been submitted, the full citation is shown.

Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Sep 24, 2012       
Xia Y, M Ek, J Sheffield, B Livneh, M Huang, H Wei, S Feng, L Luo, J Meng, and E Wood. 2012. "Validation of Noah-simulated soil temperature in the North American Land Data Assimilation System Phase 2." Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, , doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-12-033.1.

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Sep 20, 2012       
Matrosov SY, GG Mace, R Marchand, MD Shupe, AG Hallar, and IB McCubbin. 2012. "Observations of ice crystal habits with a scanning polarimetric W-band radar at slant linear depolarization ratio mode." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00131.1.

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Sep 17, 2012       
Cappa CD, TB Onasch, P Massoli, DR Worsnop, TS Bates, ES Cross, P Davidovits, J Hakala, KL Hayden, BT Jobson, KR Kolesar, DA Lack, BM Lerner, SM Li, D Mellon, I Nuaaman, JS Olfert, T Petaja, PK Quinn, C Song, R Subramanian, EJ Williams, and RA Zaveri. 2012. "Radiative absorption enhancements due to the mixing state of atmospheric black carbon." Science, 337(6098), doi:10.1126/science.1223447.

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Sep 15, 2012       
Setyan A, Q Zhang, M Merkel, WB Knighton, Y Sun, C Song, J Shilling, TB Onasch, S Herndon, D Worsnop, JD Fast, R Zaveri, LK Berg, A Wiedensohler, BA Flowers, MK Dubey, and R Subramanian. 2012. "Characterization of submicron particles influenced by mixed biogenic and anthropogenic emissions using high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometry: Results from CARES." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, doi:10.5194/acp-12-8131-2012.

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Sep 11, 2012       
Del Genio AD, J Wu, and Y Chen. 2012. "Characteristics of mesoscale organization in WRF simulations of convection during TWP-ICE." Journal of Climate, 25(17), 5666, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00422.1.

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Sep 10, 2012       
Morrison H, SA Tessendorf, K Ikeda, and G Thompson. 2012. "Sensitivity of a simulated midlatitude squall line to parameterization of raindrop breakup." Monthly Weather Review, 140(8), doi:10.1175/MWR-D-11-00283.1.

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Publication Notice: 3 New References Available
Aug 28, 2012       
Lead Author(s) Kellner O, Natural Hazards | Bozeman ML, Natural Hazards | Sun L, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres [...]

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Publication Notice: 2 New References Available
Aug 27, 2012       
Lead Author(s) Mitchell DL, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Lamb PJ, Journal of Hydrometeorology [...]

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Aug 24, 2012       
Wang M, S Ghan, X Liu, TS L'Ecuyer, K Zhang, H Morrison, M Ovchinnikov, R Easter, R Marchand, D Chand, Y Qian, and JE Penner. 2012. "Constraining cloud lifetime effects of aerosols using A-Train satellite observations." Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L15709, doi: 10.1029/2012GL052204.

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Aug 23, 2012       
Laskin A, RC Moffet, MK Gilles, JD Fast, R Zaveri, B Wang, P Nigge, and J Shutthanandan. 2012. "Tropospheric chemistry of internally mixed sea salt and organic particles: Surprising reactivity of NaCl with weak organic acids." Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D15302, doi:10.1029/2012JD017743.

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Publication Notice: New Technical Report Available
Aug 20, 2012       
Publication Notice: 2 New References Available
Aug 16, 2012       
Lead Author(s) Kuang C, Aerosol Science and Technology | Kuang C, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics [...]

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Aug 13, 2012       
Yang H, S Dobbie, GG Mace, A Ross, and M Quante. 2012. "GEWEX Cloud System Study (GCSS) cirrus cloud working group: development of an observation-based case study for model evaluation." Geoscientific Model Development, 5(3), doi:10.5194/gmd-5-829-2012.

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Aug 03, 2012       
Chuang CC, JT Kelly, JS Boyle, and S Xie. 2012. "Sensitivity of aerosol indirect effects to cloud nucleation and autoconversion parameterizations in short-range weather forecasts during the May 2003 Aerosol IOP." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, , . ACCEPTED.

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Aug 02, 2012