Accessing Quick Looks for ARM Archive Data Files

(2/5/98; revised 8/18/2010 Giri Palanisamy and Raymond A. McCord)

Daily quick look plots for the ARM data files are being generated by the ARM Archive. The quick looks are only available for datastream specific primary measurements. Users can view these quick look plots using the ARM Thumbnail Browser, Data Browser, Instruments List page, Data Cart page, or by browsing the directory tree.

1) Viewing Quick Looks using the ARM Thumbnail Browser

The ARM Thumbnail Browser allows the user to view thumbnails and quick looks based on their selection. This application allows the user to select multiple datastreams and measurements to view thumbnail images.

Click the following link to go to the ARM Thumbnail Browser

  • 2) Viewing Quick Looks using ARM Data Browser

    The ARM Data Browser allows the user to view thumbnails one month at a time. The following steps explains how the user can access quick looks by using the Data Browser.

    Step 1: Login to the archive at and select Data Browser Interface

    Step 2: Select an Interface: select Novice User Interface or Datastream Interface

    Step 3: Based on the interface selected, the user will be asked to answer various queries (e.g. date range, instruments or measurements, facilities, datastreams etc..) and finally the 'data selection summary page' will be displayed.

    The summary table in this page (refer to below image) displays the available number of quick looks for the selected datastreams.

    Step 4: Click the "Quick Looks" button to proceed to quick looks page

    Step 5:Select a datastream and a measurement from the list and proceed to thumbnail page (refer to below image). Click any of the thumbnail to view quick looks

    Thumbnails for Narrowband Direct Normal Irradiance from MFRSR from September 2003 from SGP. Click the thumbnail to view detailed dataplot.

    Sample quick look page

    Quick looks for Narrowband for MFRSR from September 3, 2003 from SGP

    Step 5: Close quick look popup window and go back to thumbnails window to view other quick looks

    Step 6: Close thumbnail popup window and go back to the ARM data browser main window to order files or change search criteria

    3) Viewing Quick Looks from the ARM Instruments List Page

    4) Viewing Quick Looks from the ARM Data Cart Page

    5) Quick Looks by Directory

     Quick looks are organized by year, site, datastream, year_month

  • Year / site / datastream / datastream.yearmonth / quick look images
  • e.g., 2004/sgp/sgpsirsE1.b1/sgpsirsE1.b1.200404/sgpsirsE1.b1.20040403.000000.png
  • Catalog of Quick looks: This catalog summary lists data streams that have quick looks by site. It also provides information about the date range and number of quick looks available for each data stream. The information in this catalog is current as of February 4, 2013, and is updated about once a month. Click on the following sites to view the corresponding catalog.
  • SGP (Southern Great Plains)
  • TWP (Tropical Western Pacific)
  • NSA (North Slope of Alaska)
  • PYE (Point Reyes, CA)
  • NIM (Niamey, Niger)
  • FKB (Black Forest, Germany)
  • HFE (Shouxian, China)
  • GRW (Graciosa Island, Azores)
  • SBS (Steamboat Springs)
  • SBS (Ganges River Valley, India)
  • MAG (Marine ARM GPCI Investigation of Clouds - AMF2)
  • PVC (Cape Cod, MA, USA; Mobile Facility)
  •  Click the following link to browse quick look directory