Bonneville Power Administration
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FERC Standards of Conduct

FERC Standards of Conduct are designed to prohibit a transmission provider from giving preferential access of information to its power marketing employees to the detriment of other transmission customers.

To ensure open and fair transmission markets so that customers have equal access to transmission, the SOC includes three basic principles:
1. The Independent Functioning Rule requires Transmission Function Employees and Marketing Function Employees to operate independently of each other.
2. The No Conduit Rule prohibits the passing of SOC restricted transmission information to Marketing Function Employees.
3. The Transparency Rule imposes posting requirements to help detect any instances of undue preference.

Contact Information:
SOC Helpline: 503-230-4677

Chief Compliance Officer

View contact information for BPA's Chief Compliance Officer.

Written Procedures for Implementation

View BPA Written Procedures for Implementing FERC Standards of Conduct.

Identification of Affiliate Information

View information about BPA Transmission Services' affiliate, shared facilities, and potential merger partners.

TFE Job Descriptions

View Transmission Function Employees Job Descriptions and Job Titles.

Voluntary Consents

View the list of voluntary consents that BPA has received from its customers.

Information Disclosure

View supporting documentation for any Inadvertent Disclosures.