Iraqi Delegation

June 11, 2012 

Last week BSEE hosted a delegation of 22 senior leaders from Iraq at BSEE’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. The Iraqi delegation discussed oil and gas production and development issues with BSEE Director James A. Watson and other BSEE leaders. During their visit, the Iraqi delegation indicated they hope to gain better understanding of how unitized agreements (agreements between companies producing oil and gas from the same underground source) are managed. The unitization consultations are another milestone in implementing the Strategic Framework Agreement between the United States and the Republic of Iraq.

BSEE’s Office of International Programs managed all aspects of the trip in coordination with the Department of State and Department of Commerce. BSEE works closely with our international partners, to exchange technical information with our international regulatory counterparts in addition to providing technical advice to developing countries. BSEE’s Office of International Programs promotes better integration of safety and environmental concerns into offshore resource and development decision-making around the world.

The Iraqi visit kicked off a multi-week visit that will include a visit to BSEE’s Gulf of Mexico Region office in New Orleans.